Test Management

Future Test Management

Paul Gerrard

When testing became a distinct activity in projects someone had to manage a test team, handle relationships with stakeholders, align testing to stakeholder needs and to communicate outcomes so stakeholders…
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Test Automation

Roles In Test Automation

Jan Jaap Cannegieter and Ruud van Berkum

One of the critical success factors of Test Automation is that the different roles need to be filled in with persons with the right skills. In this webinar we will…
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Agile Testing

Why We Need Diversity in Testing

Rasa Bonyadlou & Matthias Rasking

Not only since the massive discussions regarding “bro culture“ at Uber or “biological differences“ at Google has diversity in the Software Engineering community been a huge topic. It’s time to…
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Agile Testing

Being a Tester in SCRUM

Carsten Feilberg

In this webinar Carsten will talk about how it is, being a tester entering and working in a project team that uses scrum. First of all it can be a…
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Artificial Intelligence

Will Robots Replace Testers?

Paul Gerrard

Will tools and automation continue to support testing or will robots replace testers in the future? This talk sets the scene and perhaps a direction for the future of tools…
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Agile Testing

Agile Leadership for Team Members

Selena Delesie

Teams struggle for many reasons, leaving people frustrated, complacent, and content to exist in mediocrity. There is a secret that propels individuals, teams, and entire organisations to be really successful: leadership! Not…
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Test Management

TDD For The Rest Of Us

Gil Zilberfeld

Any agile methodology today will tell you that you have to use TDD to support it. But as it’s considered a developer’s job, many people with other roles don't get…
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Non-Functional Testing

Java Memory, Getting Rid Of The Garbage

Albert Witteveen

Java garbage collection is something that you often if not always need to think about. Did you know that enlarging the Java heap size can decrease your performance? That is true.…
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Agile Testing

Performance in A DevOps World

Mark Tomlinson

In this webinar you'll learn more about overcoming the challenges of transforming to DevOps with performance in mind. What, how, and when you measure all changes in a DevOps world,…
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Agile Testing

Agile Test Management

Fran O'Hara

Much of the focus with testing in an agile environment has been on practices/techniques and tools but what about Test Management? Test Managers want to know what happens to their…
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Agile Testing

Testing Axioms

Paul Gerrard

Paul Gerrard was the proud recipient of the 'European Testing Excellence Award' at EuroSTAR 2010 in Copenhagen. Recorded as  part of our 'Testing Time Outs' mini-series, this video takes a…
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Most of the discussion on the long term value of automated testing revolves around regression prevention and reducing the number of bugs. Gojko Adzic presents a completely different perspective, coming…
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Test Management

Is There A Risk

Ard Kramer

If I wake you up in the middle of the night, are you able to tell me, as a good tester, what risks are still applicable in your system under…
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Agile Testing

Do we need testers on agile teams?

Janet Gregory

It’s the same argument again and again. One side says “team members should all be able to do everything, and the programmers should do their testing and all testers should…
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Test Automation

How To Use Selenium Successfully

Dave Haeffner

What is Selenium? Why should you use it? And how do you use it successfully? In this talk, Dave answers these questions as he steps through through the why, how,…
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  The value of documentation prepared in structured/waterfall or agile projects is often of dubious value. In structured projects, the planning documentation is prepared in a knowledge vacuum – where…
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Cloud Testing

Testing Cloud Native Applications

Pini Reznik

Building and testing a monolith is already hard enough but when the parts of the application become smaller and smaller and you throw in some distributed computing using containers and…
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Test Automation

Using Selenium 3.0

Simon Stewart

In this webinar, Simon Stewart highlights how to use the brand new Selenium 3.0 and well as discusses some of the changes that have been implemented since Selenium 2.0 He also looks at: What will…
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People / Skills

Thinking Through Your Role

James Bach & Jon Bach

James and Jon Bach recently taught a new class called Reinventing Testers. As part of the class, they developed a style of diagramming roles which they call "rolegrams" and a…
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