Cloud Testing

Test Automation in the Cloud

Jonathon Wright

What is the future of test automation? The possibilities associated with cloud computing provide instant scalability, flexibility and availability for testing on demand with no upfront investment. This provides the…
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Test Automation

BIG Testing – How to Design Tests

Hans Buwalda

Large-scale testing projects can stress many of the testing practices we have gotten used to over the years. This can result in less than optimal outcomes. A number of ideas…
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Test Management

Thinking Strategically About Testing

Fiona Charles

To test software effectively, you need to have a strategy. That's true whether you are testing a minor feature, an entire application or an integrated suite of applications.
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Test Management

The Search for Surprises

James Lyndsay

In this talk, James Lyndsay identifies and illustrate approaches that help you to root out the ways that working software misbehaves. We'll put these approaches in context by describing emergent…
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Cloud Testing

Going Cloudy How to test SaaS

Kees Blokland

The introduction of cloud computing has changed the playing field for testing. Testing needs to evolve and innovate to address the newly introduced risks that come with "going cloudy" with…
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Functional Testing

API Testing The heart of functional testing

Bj Rollison

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a collection of functions that provide much of the functional capabilities in complex software systems. Most customers are accustomed to interacting with a…
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Test Automation

Development and Testing for the New Style of IT

Michael Cooper & Toby Marsden

Today's consumers have grown up with the expectation that their digital experience is mobile, always-on, and easily enhanced. Consequently, we face a new style of IT that forces everyone involved…
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Test Management

The Commoditization of Testing

Iain McCowatt

The software testing business is in the grip of a commoditization trend in which enterprises routinely flip flop between vendors-vendors who are engaged in a race to the bottom on…
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Test Automation

Improve The Process By Taking Control

Amy Phillips

Testing is one of the few overarching aspects of software delivery. Done well it is almost invisible. Yet in reality almost all aspects of a successful release require test input.…
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Agile Testing

Test Improvement for Agile

Jeroen Mengerink

When we want to improve our testing, we need to question testing. But what are the right questions to ask in an Agile context? Current TPI models have proven to…
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Agile Testing

Agile Test Management

Bob Galen

Much of the focus with testing in an agile environment has been on practices/techniques and tools but what about Test Management? Test Managers want to know what happens to their…
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Test Management

The Joy of Weekend Testing Facilitation

Ajay Balamurugadas

This webinar focuses on the experiences of weekend testing facilitation. It highlights the tasks carried out behind the scenes - the preparation, coaching, troubleshooting, resolving conflicts, and more. Filled with…
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Test Management

Leading Business Testers

Nancy Kelln

Companies often forego hiring large professional test teams and opt instead to use individuals from the business to perform testing. As a test lead, leading a team of business testers…
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People / Skills

Critical Thinking Skills for Testers

Susan Windsor

Susan Windsor believes Critical Thinking is one of the most valuable skills that every tester needs to do their job, and yet it's rarely taught in the workplace. This webinar…
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Agile Testing

Session-Based Testing in Practice

Carsten Feildberg

In this talk session-based testing will be introduced and discussed. One of the context-driven testing principles is that there is no best practice, only good practices in context. However, session-based…
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Test Management

Selecting the Right Test Design Technique

Derk-Jan de Grood

Derk-Jan shares his insights on test technique selection and poses three questions you should ask yourself when selecting a technique: What types of errors do I want to find? What…
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Six Hats on Software Testing

Julian Harty

This webinar presents the concepts of six thinking hats, and demonstrates how they have been applied to software testing. Listen in to learn how you can apply them to your work, and…
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People / Skills

Are we all not Testers?

Henrik Andersson

In this presentation, Henrik addresses the question of why testers need to label themselves as Agile Testers and looks at ways that testers can improve the profession and be proud to…
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Test Management

An Introduction to Lean Test Management

Iris Pinkster – O’Riordain

Cost reductions and the quest for more efficiency are more evident in today's business world. It also follows that our testing processes will ultimately be affected. When test techniques and…
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Functional Testing

SOA: Whats in it for testers?

Graham Bath

Using a Service Oriented Architecture can bring businesses considerable benefits, but there is unfortunately one major factor which seems to get lost in the euphoria surrounding SOA: Test. What are…
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Agile Testing

A Lucky Shot at Agile?

Zeger Van Hese

This is not another agile fairytale. I happened to be a tester in a scrum team that started its first sprint almost two years ago. We were all agile novices,…
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Test Management

Test Management: A Survival Guide

Graham Thomas

In this webinar, Graham Thomas will use his own practical experience from several large testing programs. This webinar will illustrate effective techniques for successful Program Test Management, presented in the form of…
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Agile Testing

More and Better Test Ideas

Rikard Edgren

In this 45 minute webinar, Rikard Edgren will discuss and look at the good ways to enable communication and what improvements are needed to use test specifications, that consists mainly of a lot of one-liner test…
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Test Automation

Get Ready, Set,….Automate!

John Fodeh

Test automation is becoming a must for meeting the challenges of modern software development. We use automation to replace repetitive and tedious manual testing; ensure the consistency and repeatability of…
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Agile Testing

Team Agility Assessment

Ray Arell

Adopting the Agile/Scrum framework gives software teams a competitive advantage in delivering high value products to their customers, but that can only be achieved if that framework is provisioned with…
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Test Management

Make Risk Based Testing a Reality

Fiona Charles

Many organizations have embraced the concept of risk-based testing as a way to contain the costs of testing and focus test efforts on the system areas where undetected bugs could…
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Testing – The Next Level

Erik Boelen

The theme for the EuroSTAR Conference 2007 was 'Defining the Profession' and the discussion was 'Are we a profession at all?' Isabel Evans mentioned during her keynote session that testing is not…
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The End of Testing As We Know It

James Whittaker

In this webinar James Whittaker discusses his Keynote session which will take place on Tuesday, 11th November at EuroSTAR Conference 2008 in the Hague, Netherlands.
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