Improve The Process By Taking Control

Amy Phillips


Testing is one of the few overarching aspects of software delivery. Done well it is almost invisible. Yet in reality almost all aspects of a successful release require test input. Despite this testers often give developers freedom to select automation test strategies and are happy to let release managers co-ordinate releases, while reducing their role to nit-picking software. This session examines how focusing on testing enabled Songkick to overhaul their entire build and release pipeline, and move from safe, controlled releases to continuous deployment. Contrary to common belief this approach could only succeed by drastically improving testing. The unique skills…....

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About Me!

Amy Phillips is Engineering Manager at Moo. She started out as a tester, and later moved to a test lead and manager. She was determined to do the best testing job she could in order to get great products out to users. Over time she realised that testing is a narrow view of a bigger challenge: good products are the end result of people doing great things, and being supported and enabled by healthy processes.

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