Test Management

Understanding Linguistic Testing End to End

Irfan Ahmad & Rajini Padmanaban

Language errors in a localized product may often seem negligible, but can often lead to large adverse outcomes. Let’s consider a scenario where a developer has inadvertently, added the string…
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Agile Testing

Agile Testing – Scrum In Hardware

Markus Gärtner

Scrum is the most widespread Agile development methodology in use at this time. While it originated in hardware development, most companies use it for software development. In the cases where…
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Agile Testing

Let’s Talk About….Women In Testing

Alison Wade & Rajini Padmanaban

As part of our Hangout series, in May we held an event to discuss the issuers surrounding women in testing. Continuing our series of open discussions on various aspects of…
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Test Automation

How to get Automated Testing “Done”

Hans Buwalda

Test automation has been around almost as long as software has been developed. In the age of Agile and the DevOps arena, having tests fully automated is increasingly becoming a…
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Agile Testing

Mob Testing: Better Products Through Diversity

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

Many different roles contribute to building software: product owners, business specialists, testers. Yet knowledge of programming keeps these roles at a distance. In this webinar, Maaret will discuss a new…
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Test Management

Kanban Testing And Lego

Kristoffer Nordström

Here Kristoffer tells you how he started working with a team of fantastic developers and how they took a product with a disillusioned user base, a code base in desperate…
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Agile Testing

Continuous Everything

Jeffery Payne 

Everywhere we look these days we see the word continuous—continuous delivery, continuous integration, continuous deployment, continuous testing, continuous security, and continuous ______ (fill in the blank). It’s continuous everything! So,…
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Test Management

ATDD And BDD The Great Beat Down…or…Debate

Bob Galen & Mary Thorn

It seems as if the agile methods have lots of DD’s going on. There is: TDD – Test Driven-Development ATDD – Acceptance Test Driven-Development BDD – Behavior Driven-Development TDD is…
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Test Automation

Continuous Feedback: The New Paradigm

Jared Richardson

In this webinar Jared talks about creating intentional feedback in several forms. It will also look at on continuous integration and continuous testing/continuous deployment. To get a copy of these…
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Test Automation

Blunders in Test Automation

Dorothy Graham

In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still…
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Test Automation

Testing as a Bottleneck

Kim Herzig

Testing as a bottleneck – How testing slows down modern development processes and how to compensate We often claim the purpose of testing is to verify that software meets a…
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Non-Functional Testing

Zen And The Art Of Security Testing

Paco Hope

Some security experts would tell you that security testing is very different from functional or non-functional software testing. They are wrong. Having worked on both sides, Paco gives 3 specific…
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Test Automation

The Evolution of Test Automation for DevOps

Clint Sprauve & Malcolm Isaacs

Functional testing is evolving at a rapid pace. The skill sets needed for mobile, cloud and Dev/Ops are constantly challenging the old methods of test automation. View this webinar with Clint Sprauve…
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The Internet Of Things – It’s Coming!

Prof. Andy Stanford-Clark

In this webinar Professor Andy Stanford-Clark will introduce the Internet of Things, with reference to his work on home automation systems, including mousetraps that text him when they catch a…
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Download a copy of these slides here. Over the last few years big data has grown from a marketing buzzword into a significant technology sector dominating both technology headlines and…
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People / Skills

Programming for Testers. It’s Easy!

Graham T. & Phill Isles

We hear a lot these days about how testers should learn to code, become more technical, and have more development orientated skills. Unless you came into software testing as a…
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People / Skills

Diversity in Testing

Anne Marie Charrett & Fiona Charles

In the company of Anne Marie Charrett and Fiona Charles this webinar takes a look at the opportunities for women presenting at testing conferences. Look at just about any testing…
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Cloud Testing

TestOps in the Cloud

Jonathon Wright

The Testing landscape is changing forever, the traditional CoreIT approach to providing business value through testing is constantly being challenged. The drive towards embracing FluidIT through open innovation calls for…
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  In this webinar, Conference Chair 2015, Ruud Teunissen, discussed the call for submissions process and answered questions from the attendees. Ruud has also created a discussion over on the…
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Agile Testing

Travel Guide to EuroSTAR

Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries van Delft

This webinar is especially designed first time attendees to the EuroSTAR Conference 2014 in Dublin. The travel guide will prep you for your visit to the conference by providing you…
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Test Management

Testing as a Service Model

Jonathon Wright

The Testing landscape is changing forever, the traditional approach to providing business value through testing is constantly being challenged. So businesses need to constantly re-examine the real value of testing…
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Agile Testing

The Role of a Tester in Agile Enterprise

Malcolm Isaacs

In a classical Agile team, testers and developers work together in Feature teams to produce functioning software at each sprint. Sounds simple, right? But as enterprises scale up their Agile…
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People / Skills

Defence Against the Dark Arts

 Laurent Bossavit

  In this Google Hangout Laurent Bossavit will share ideas from "Defence Against the Dark Arts", the workshop he did with Michael Bolton at CAST 2014. This workshop focused on…
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