VoIP (voice over internet protocol) lets you connect with anyone, anywhere via the internet. That makes it a fantastic tool for a modern workplace. But how can you pick out the best VoIP solution from a line of options? The following features make for a standout VoIP tool that’ll help you elevate the level of your business communications in no time.
1: A virtual receptionist
Do you love answering phones just to direct the caller to the right person, like an operator? If you said no, you wouldn’t be alone. It can be a waste of time at best and very frustrating at worst to be stuck manually redirecting calls all day, and doing little else.
So why not leave that task to a virtual receptionist system?

Virtual receptionists welcome your callers to your business. They offer them a range of options, and help them figure out where they need to go based on why they’re getting in touch.
The best VoIP systems have a built-in virtual receptionist that you can customise to your heart’s content.
2: Built-in analytics
Data is information, and information is power.
Your VoIP solution should provide you with easily-accessible, game-changing analytics based on data you’ve collected. Your solution becomes a key asset in driving positive change within your company.
3: Automation
Automated processes save us lots of time every day. These days, you can automate just about anything, from assembly lines in factories to coffee machines. Usually, they make just as good of a morning cup as a human would, plus they don’t get sleepy in the evenings or grumpy on Mondays.
When you use automation as part of your VoIP solution, it should take repetitive work out of the hands of your employees. This frees them up to do tasks that automated programs can’t, like creative design.
Your VoIP automation should ideally use an MLP (Machine Learning Pipeline, not My Little Pony). This lets your AIs learn, and self-improve as they’re used.
4: Call recording and transcription
Even the sharpest minds can’t remember every single word that’s ever been said to them (… I think). That’s why it’s your VoIP solution needs to be able to create records of conversations for you.
Recordings are helpful when you want to know what was said, and how it was said.
Take the phrase “good for you,” for example. It can either be friendly, in the sense of “you got a new job, that’s wonderful news, good for you!”… Or sarcastic, in the sense of “oh wow, you got the job I wanted, good for you.”
With a recording, you can listen back, and figure out which meaning someone was going for.
Transcripts, meanwhile, give you a scannable record of every word spoken. No more forgetting details!
5: Cloud PBX
Generally speaking, when people switch over to VoIP, one of the key VoIP features they will look for is cloud PBX. That’s because it benefits anyone familiar with legacy PBX solutions while still incorporating modern cloud-based technology.
When you work in the cloud, you can work from anywhere. That makes cloud-based tech highly useful to anyone who does business on the go or works on a hybrid basis.
6: Audio and video conferencing
Sometimes, you just need to speak to people face to face, even when they’re not in the same space as you. Other times you only need to hear their voice.
Audio and video conferencing options cater to those scenarios, and many more besides. They’re an unmissable feature of any great VoIP solution.
7: Top-of-the-line security features
Cybersecurity is only becoming more complicated with every year that goes by.
No, really. Hackers are getting smarter, so their fraud attempts are becoming much more challenging to spot. Gone are the days of yore, when a big flashing “CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPAD” button would net them enough victims for the rest of us to be left alone.
Free-to-use image, sourced from Pexels
That means your communications solution has to have measures in place to protect you from fraud.
A great VoIP solution should come with advanced security protocols, including data encryption regulations, and solid plans for what happens in the event of a data breach. In other words, they must give you enough reasons to trust that they’ll keep your data safe.
And please remember…
Your VoIP system of choice should always be an upgrade to the solution you’re using right now. So if you’ve already got a cloud-based PBX system that works quite well, any new VoIP system has to come with sweet features that make the old solution look kind of boring.
The seven features we’ve gone through are some of the best ones. That said, you might find you don’t like some of them or that you’re more interested in a feature that’s not on the list because that’s what your business needs.
Ultimately, prioritising your business needs is what it’s all about.
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