In IT industry, there has been a significant increase in mobile app development projects due to the increasing demand for mobile apps. Usually, mobile applications have highly volatile requirements and thus they require adaptive software development methods. To address this issue companies explore adopt an agile approach and how the testing process fits in.
It encourages cross teams communication
The agile approach encourages frequent communication between developers and QA team. It promotes a collaborative work culture where quality is everyone’s responsibility. Unlike the traditional approach, here test engineers are also responsible for the quality of the product from start to end of the development process. The code level knowledge shared by developers helps testers with the information on potential problem areas of an app.
Focus on automation testing in an agile approach
Automation testing is crucial in the agile method as it speeds up the testing process to keep up with development. In order to make the most of automation’s ability to facilitate agile development, enterprise test teams should use the following guidelines:
- Scripts should be written early. Automation should not start when development is complete. When scripts are created concurrently with development, it allows testers to get to work on testing as soon as possible. The challenge which QA departments often face in an agile environment, is, however, the lack of resources and the time needed to create the scripts.
- Having a good framework in place makes automation easier to maintain. A good framework can make it easier for testers to quickly implement new tests. With a general framework for an application’s development, testers can rely on the existing function libraries and maximize the re-use of components, which can save even more time.
- Make necessary test improvements in a timely manner. Like all test automation, testing native and mobile web applications in an agile environment will need refining from time to time. In order to make sure that the scripts and test plans are as effective as possible, QA teams should frequently review the progress of automation and make necessary changes to test plans.
Works well with highly volatile requirements
Highly volatile requirements of mobile apps require adaptive software development methods. Agile is ideal for projects with high levels of uncertainty or variability and are appropriate for mobile app development. Agile enables easy accommodating of change requests, frequent interaction with clients, and helps in unifying the business requirements across teams by assigning the right priorities and focuses. It is most suitable to address the issues related to inadequate memory; data storage capability; slower devices; security; online/offline capability; and ever-evolving types of devices, operating systems, and development environments.
Agile fits the incomplete requirement nature of mobile projects
Mobile projects typically have deadlines and quick turnaround time for market release. However, the initial requirements of mobile apps are generally incomplete, unclear, insufficient, uncertain, and change considerably during the development process. Developers will commonly put out an app with a limited set of features in the first release and update it in later versions. This nature of mobile app development fits with the iterative nature of Agile.
Identify the risk in mobile projects at an early stage
The release cycles for mobile app development projects are getting shorter and there is a possibility of greater risks involved when dealing with tight releases. Small incremental releases made visible to the product owner and product team through its development help to identify any issues early in the project as they arise, making it much easier to respond to change. An adaptive approach and the clear visibility in Agile development adds value to the business by identifying risks and ensuring that any necessary decision can be taken at the earliest possible opportunity.