If you are not aware, the Community Choice competition has just been announced for EuroSTAR 2016.
The competition allows you to nominate a person (including yourself) whom you think deserves to have the opportunity to speak at EuroSTAR 2016.
This competition was developed to give the community at TEST Huddle their own say on the EuroSTAR programme.
Is there a person in testing whom you think should be at EuroSTAR 2016 but isn’t? Do you think the Conference would be better with this speaker? Or do you think you could bring something to the EuroSTAR conference.
The winner of the Community Choice will get to speak on Thursday at EuroSTAR. There is also a prize for the one of the nominees who will get to attend the Conference.
As well as the nominations, we are inviting the members of the community to judge the entrants to the Competition.
If you are interested in reading some testing talks proposals and want to offer your opinions, then join our committee here.