Last time we got to know: Kim Knup, Nicholas Shaw and Jonathon Wright
This week our featured members are:
Keith Klain
Keith is the CEO of Doran Jones, a consultancy testing company based in New York. Keith is keen on the promotion, education and recruitment of testers for companies that had previously being outsourcing these roles internationally. Working in conjunction with Per Sholas, Doran Jones has been involved in bringing local people into the testing working world that would not have had access to it before. He spoke about this project in the recent webinar that he hosted on TEST Huddle. You can view that webinar here.
Michael Kennedy
Michael is a software tester working for BJSS in the United Kingdom. Michael’s area of expertise is in automation and SCRUM. Michael has recently got involved in the conversation on TEST Huddle about the convergence of roles for testers and developers. It’s a very thought provoking topic which you can catch up on here.
Larissa Stoiser
Larissa is a Test Lead for Ranorex and is based in Austria. Larissa’s testing areas of interest include automation and functional testing. She recently contributed to the TEST Huddle website too with a blog post titled Why Test Automation?
If you would like to be a featured member on the blog, just leave a comment below or simply PM me.