Featured Community Members: Marzio Cancellieri, Seth Okai & Bj Rollison

Last week we got to know Juan Rodriguez, Johan Jonasson & Ard Kramer. This week we will get to know three more TEST Huddle members…

Marzio Cancellieri

Profile picture of marzio


Marzio is a test manager with Rumbo Group, Switzerland. He primarily works in software testing, quality assurance, leading and training test team as well as functional analysis.  Check out Marzio’s top 5 testing tools are in his toolkit.

Seth Okai

Profile picture of Seth


Seth is a test manager with RIBA Enterprises, UK. He is an expert in the area of beta testing and has presented Proving The Benefits of Beta Testing – “To B Or Not To B” at EuroSTAR 2011 and Public Beta Testing (Test Culture, Evolved) at EuroSTAR 2012. He also hosted a webinar last year entitled: “Public Beta Testing HIT – Human Interaction Testing”. We hope to see Seth again at EuroSTAR this year in one of his snazzy suits…

Seth Okai

Bj Rollison

Profile picture of Bj


Bj is a test engineer with Microsoft, USA. He presented at a number of EuroSTAR Conferences over the years  including “Path to Professionalism: Skills of Star Performers” at EuroSTAR 2007 and “Probalistic Stochastic Test Data” at EuroSTAR 2008.  Bj is also a popular webinar presenter and in 2013 he presented a webinar on API Testing The heart of functional testing. His most recent webinar was on the 11th of this month when he presented Better Practices for Crafting Automated Tests.

To view this webinar, or to ask Bj any questions about the content, simply join the discussion.

Join the Discussion

Stay tuned next week to meet some more TEST Huddle community members!


About the Author


Hi everybody! I am part of the marketing team here at TESTHuddle and I look after content generation. I am a big rugby fan and love to watch Munster and Ireland matches. I have a beagler (beagle/king charles cavalier cross) pup called Nelson. I look forward to interacting with you guys!
Find out more about @daraghm