BlogSpy 242- Collection of Software Testing News

Our weekly round-up of the hot software testing news is here! Every week we are scanning the world of wide web for juicy news in the software testing category. We then pile them up into one blog post and publish it for you. Sounds great doesn’t it? We did all the heavy lifting for you, so you can save time. Here are the top picks:



Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Android DevelopmentVarun Barad

The article written by Varun reveals the five things which I think anyone working in Android development should focus on first. It is an excellent eye-opener for anyone in the mobile development industry and will definitely help you see the errors and mistakes made.

Read the full article here



How Can Artificial Intelligence Make Ed-Tech Industry Bloom |Aditya Singha

The guest post written for EuroSTAR Huddle shares some amazing tips for developers on how to harness AI to usher in the new education revolution. With humans and machines drawing closer to each other, edtech has evolved considerably. AI systems make online learning adaptive and personalized and possible for school teachers to track data of each student in their class and offer them appropriate academic support.

Read the full article here



How Did you Find That Bug? | Pete Houghton

Peter Houghton is a I’m a technical tester and Scrum Master. We enjoyed reading his blog post and decided it is well worth mentioning it here in our weekly Blog Spy. In this article he shares hs experience while working with a team and answering the question “How did you find that bug?”.

Read the Full article here



Simply the Test | Josh Grant

Great headline and content created by Josh Grant, which discusses the joy of getting rid of automated tests. In this article he also reveals his favourite aspects of automated tests the pros when it comes maintaining automated tests. An interesting read for software testers.

Read the full article here


4 Levels of Software Testing & Advantages| Alex for Huddle

Testing has a large amount of processes. This post  created by Alex for Huddle only barely skirts the different levels of software testing from but it definitely is an introductory bite for beginners.

Read the full article here



The software testing world is a never-ending topic. With companies and industries evolving at a rapid pace, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the news. Make sure to visit our previous Blog Spy posts for all the software testing news mentioned earlier.


About the Author


Hi All, I'm Nicola and I am part of the EuroSTAR team. I enjoy outdoor activities and martial arts, it's fun! I joined EuroSTAR in 2018 and am excited to meet new people every year during the conferences. Tester Friends are for life :)
Find out more about @nicolag