6 Business Communication Tools Every Company Needs

Most companies have trouble connecting their employees and getting them to communicate effectively. The good news it can be fixed. If a company can rely on IT more, take advantage of user-friendly business solutions, and motivate employees to make them a part of their daily work routine then communication can become better. The most obvious solution encompassing all elements are business communication tools. They are the reason why organisations of all sizes achieve their business goals. If your company is in desperate need of business communication tools, here are six of them to help you make the best choice.


For internal and external growth and building a sense of community, sharing information in the office is essential. All the more so during a pandemic such as this one when having access to timely updates and fresh information can really make a difference. Managers aren’t the only ones who can provide information. Older and more experienced employees can do so too. They can introduce younger co-workers to the company vision and bring them up to speed making minimal mistakes in the process. For this reason, you should think about using forums or creating a digital discussion space where employees can ask questions, discuss ideas, and resolve workplace problems. Through their mutual interaction, employees will also build a sense of community.

Staff Profiles

If your staff isn’t communicating effectively, chances are they don’t know each other well. In that case, you should definitely consider creating digital profiles of all staff members. This is especially important if you are running a large company with thousands of employees. Staff profiles will help employees get to know people in the organization along with their roles. Once they become familiar with every member of the team, they will find asking questions and discussing matters easier. Profiles, apart from standard information, should also contain details such as their position, interests, department, contact as well as their picture. This way employees can put a name to the face from the start.


Direct and Group Messaging

With remote work as the major work arrangement, communicative and collaborative tools have become a necessity. When employees communicate effectively, they can collaborate and keep tabs on ongoing projects and tasks. That is why you should make sure employees have an effective platform enabling direct and group messaging. Instead of sending an email, which can easily end up in the spam folder, employees can directly contact their co-workers and resolve the problem in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, employees can exchange files or search through previous messages that make collaboration easier and more effective. Instead of using popular software, you can explore alternatives to Slack and provide employees with the best communication experience.

Departmental Spaces

One of the reasons why internal communication isn’t effective is because departments don’t have a space to share relevant information with employees. Departments need to have an organized way of keeping employees informed while employees need to know where they can find pertinent information. More importantly, giving each department its space prevents the creation of departmental silos. Information becomes transparent which makes business communication more effective. For example, the HR department can have its space in the digital workplace where managers will share updated policies, regulations, and guidelines for all employees to see and use. Having access to such important information will help employees perform better in the long run.


Task Management

You can’t hope to achieve business goals if you don’t have an efficient task management tool. If you combine a task management tool with a communicative one, you will be on the right track to success. This combination will ensure projects and assignments are clear to everyone as well as their roles. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about conflicts or misunderstandings taking place in the office. Besides, you will be able to track project progress, assist if necessary, and make sure employees meet deadlines. Hence, the company will be one step closer to reaching its business goals.


To improve external communication, you can allow customers access to your company’s internal blogs. Chances are you are producing high-quality content for your employees. Why not let others enjoy it? If the content manages to engage employees, it will manage to engage customers as well. Besides, clients like to see what happens behind closed doors. Giving them a sneak-peak will engage them and make them a part of the loyal customer base.  For this reason, consider starting a blog or creating profiles on social media to get closer to your target audience.

To conclude, connecting employees and getting them to interact isn’t easy. However, many tools can help you enhance business communication. With our six best business communication tools, your company will leave communication problems in the past and achieve its goals.

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About the Author

Ronan Healy

Hi everyone. I'm part of the EuroSTAR team. I'm here to help you engage with the EuroSTAR Huddle Community and get the best out of your membership. Together with software testing experts, we have a range of webinars and eBooks for you to enjoy and we have lots of opportunities for you to come together online. If you have any thoughts about the community, please get in contact with me.
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