Top 7 Tools and Tips for Improving Your DevOps Pipeline

Software development is probably the most important industry of our era. After all, it’s almost impossible to imagine a single person, business, or organization not using at least some sort of software on a daily basis.

It can be anything from gaming apps and paper writing service chatbots to complex flight control mechanisms, but the fact remains that software production is getting increasingly critical to the functioning of the world as we know it today. This is exactly where DevOps steps in to give developers a brand new boost and maximize the productivity of entire software production teams.

Reports reveal that Traditional Ops are 41% more time-consuming overall, while DevOps improves the quality software deployments in more than 60% of cases. But how does it really work? Keep reading to see the top seven tools and tips for improving your DevOps pipeline.

DevOps Pipeline: Definition and Key Elements

Before we start talking about the best DevOps tools and techniques, we need to explain this concept and briefly mention its key elements.

By definition, DevOps is a set of software development practices that combine software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) to shorten the systems-development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.

The definition itself proves the complexity of DevOps operations. Our fellow developer Jake Gardner, of the assignment writing service, explains how DevOps pipelines look like in a series of stages:

  • Create a code: It all begins with code writing where fewer mistakes mean less work down the pipeline.
  • Testing a code: DevOps is all about testing the product dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times.
  • Acquire feedback: Identify bugs and make a list of all mistakes.
  • Fix all issues: Make the necessary corrections.
  • Deploy the program: An improved version of the product can now be deployed.
  • Analyze real-life performance: Keep tracking software in a real-world environment.
  • Repeat: Do the process once again if needed.

The Best DevOps Pipeline Tactics and Platforms

You can read more on performance testing in a DevOps world.  After the brief introduction above, it is time to concentrate on what matters the most here – tools and tricks for improving your DevOps pipeline. There are many different mechanisms you could use and here are some of the solutions:

1. Ensure flawless coordination
The first and by far the most significant advice is to ensure flawless coordination between every member of the team. If you want to seamlessly integrate each part of the DevOps pipeline, then you have to come up with a joint strategy which clearly defines operational procedures such as:

  • Internal communications and processes
  • Continuous product development
  • Cross-team integrations
  • Continuous testing, revisions, and deployment

2. Test automation
DevOps demands continuous surveillance and testing around the clock. According to essay writing services that specialize in IT, DevOps pipelines take testing to another level by monitoring the code, data inputs, and user feedback simultaneously.

Keep in mind, however, that test automation does not simply represent automated testing. While the latter suggests leaving the whole process up to the tools, the former is all about incorporating the entire team into the process.

3. Make use of project management tools
Software development is always a complex and challenging process, with multiple stakeholders involved from start to finish. In such circumstances, running the thing without the agile project management platform would be a big mistake.

You should rely on tools such as Trello or Jira to coordinate tasks and activities, exchange insights, and draw meaningful conclusions as a team. It will make the project simpler and faster in general.

4. Docker
After mentioning a few practical DevOps tips, we want to focus on tools that can help you to launch projects more productively. The first DevOps tool on our list is Docker, a popular solution among developers who constantly have to transport software from one testing unit to another. Docker enables you to put products in the so-called containers and move them around without the fear of losing relevant pieces of information along the way.

5. Jenkins
Jenkins is one of the genuine leaders in the DevOps pipeline business. Its creators explain that the purpose of the platform is to provide “hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying, and automating any project.”

This is exactly what Jenkins does – it supports teams by automating most of the work that would otherwise require a lot of manual operations. The best thing about it is that you can use it free of charge because Jenkins is an open-source project.

6. Azure Pipelines
As one of the IT giants, Microsoft made sure to add its own contribution to DevOps with Azure Pipelines. The tool is, of course, highly comprehensive and gives you a broad scope of features and functions which drastically improve the software development process.

Mike Johnson, a content creator at the assignment writing service, praises Azure Pipeline enabling a wide range of integrations: “You can pair the tool effortlessly with many similar services, including the likes of Docker and GitHub.”

7. Puppet Enterprise
If you need an all-around platform to run both small and large-scale projects, then you should definitely consider using Puppet Enterprise. The tool allows you to start small and scale the DevOps project gradually. Of course, it also comes with a full set of precious features such as real-time reporting, node management, and many more.


As the whole world is getting increasingly software-dependent, launching digital products quickly is becoming a real necessity. This is where DevOps pipelines play a major role because they ensure simpler, faster, and more efficient software deployment.

In this article, we explained how DevOps functions and showed you the top seven tools and tips for improving your pipeline. Have you ever used some of these programs and tactics? Let us know about it in comments as we would love to hear about your DevOps experiences.

If you are not sure how to put it all into your plan, we recommend you to consult with

About the Author


Becky Holton is a journalist and a blogger at best coursework writing service, paper writing service. She is interested in education technologies and is always ready to support informative speaking at My Assignment Writing, assignment writing service. Follow her on Twitter.
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