The last day of the EuroSTAR Conference was most relaxing and comfortable day for us. Today’s topics were absolutely fantastic. Few of them caught our attention. All presentations and workshops were very interesting and inspiring but one of them was the highlight of the day (maybe highlight of the whole conference). We all agreed that “The power of Doubt – Becoming a software skeptic” by Zeger Van Hese (voted by attendees for “do-over” session) was absolutely magnificent. The main take out from his presentation was that we should question everything starting from ourselves. A “Skeptic manifesto” is something that we should all keep in mind in our daily work. We attended closing session “Final remarks & wrap up from committee” and were delighted to see our names on the screen. Playing games and participating in challenges are definitely our favourite part of Expo. Some of the challenges were more than exciting and we are proud to say that we were quite good at solving them. Big thanks to all speakers for sharing their own experience. This is the last day of the conference and we are a bit sad, but determined to visit EuroSTAR conference 2017. We will enjoy in a beautiful Stockholm for a bit longer and then go home to apply and spread what we have learned during these three days.