Every day Test Huddle brings you the key computer related historical events that occurred on this day in history including births and deaths of notable personalities, software and hardware releases, events, notable news stories and more.
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1990 – First Fantasy
Nintendo release the game Final Fantasy created by Hironobu Sakaguchi in the United States. It had been released in Japan three years earlier. The game got its name as Hironobu, the creator had a number of poor performances with developing games for consoles. This game was to be his last effort if it did not succeed.
1950 – Digital Computing
Konrad Zuse completes and sells the Z4, the worlds first digital computer. The memory consisted of 32-bit rather than 22-bit floating point words. Numbers were entered and output as decimal floating point. The machine had a large repertoire of instructions including square root, MAX, MIN and sign. The Z4 was in use in Germany from 1942 to 1945. After this the computer was moved to Switzerland to prevent the machine being captured by the Soviet Army.
2004 – One Hundred Million Songs 
Apple announces that its Itunes store has sold its one hundred millionth song at approximately 1:25am EST. This means the store becomes the first legal music download service to reach the milestone. Apple also announce a prize for the person who downloads the one hundred millionth song which includes prizes such as a 17 inch PowerBook, a 40GB iPod, and a voucher for ten thousand songs. This leads to almost forty thousand songs being bough and downloaded in the ten minutes before the purchase.
images: Wikipedia/Apple