Hybrid AR Technology: Will it shape the future of technology?



Over the past few years, we have witnessed a steady growth in customer awareness about virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. These technologies are currently the fast-moving digital sensation and are finding increasing applications in our daily lives. However, there are still a few questions that linger among many newcomers who try to understand the difference between Virtual, Augmented, and Hybrid AR. Therefore, before we start talking about how Hybrid AR technology will revolutionise different sectors of the modern industry, it is important to first understand the differences between these technologies.



Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is the type of technology that can create a digital simulation of the surrounding environment. This technology is capable of transposing a user by taking them to an entirely new simulated environment. VR is capable of blocking out a room or space with the use of goggles and taking the user’s presence elsewhere. It allows many interesting things to be done such as attend an exclusive sports or concert event, enjoy a virtual roller coaster ride, create art projects, play games, and even hang out with other people in a simulated environment.


Augmented Reality

AR or Augmented Reality is a technology that places the digital media that has a similar appearance to real-world contents just above the physical world around you. It adds layered content, represented in 2D or 3D forms on top of objects in the actual world, thereby changing the physical representation of the environment around them into digital media representation and also allowing users to unlock other relevant information.


AR technology lets users perform activities  such as play games, connect to websites, watch videos, enter sweepstakes, and even listen to music. Nowadays, most of the AR technology is largely implemented on mobile devices and applications but this is changing fast as Hybrid AR technology continues to grow.




Hybrid AR Technology: The next big Revolution in Technology

Hybrid AR, or sometimes referred to as Mixed Reality or Hybrid AR/VR, is a mixture of VR and AR. It is considered to be more advanced than virtual reality due to the fact that it combines the usage of different types of technologies such as next-generation processors and highly advanced sensors and optics. All of these elements gathered together in one device give users the ability to display digital projections into their real-time space and create realistic and unbelievable scenarios.


How it Works

Hybrid AR technology works by scanning the physical environment around a user and then creating a 3-dimensional map of the surroundings in order for the device to know where to position digital content in the available space, while still giving access to various interactions through gestures. The use of spatial sound, transparent lenses, and a good understanding of the physical environment around you allows projections to appear like real-life objects that are interactive.




How Hybrid AR Technology is Revolutionizing the App Development

Mobile applications that use web technologies are easier to build and deploy on multiple platforms. As such, when creating a Hybrid AR application, developing them through web-based technologies that allow cross compatibility is the best way to go.

Because of this, more companies are continually developing web-based apps that will work on different devices such as iOS, Android, and Windows. This means that in the future, an app development company will no longer built single platform based apps, but multi-platform ones.

Additionally, companies such as Apple are working on a Hybrid AR headset that works on mobile devices. These headsets come with a 120-degree lens and a depth sensor which gives an inside-out positional tracking that is fast and precise in a manner that allows objects that have been augmented to appear like they are connected to the real world, giving them a more realistic feeling.


Enterprises or Industries that Will Make Good of Use of Hybrid AR Technology in the Future

Hybrid AR technology can have a wide scope which can allow industries to perform a variety of exercises in a quick and effective manner. The fact that it can blend in real-world content with virtual world content could allow an industry to modify or make changes to the 3D models anytime.

This technology is applicable in industrial applications such as interviewing or training fresh candidates or host meetings in a virtual conference room in order to see their reactions and body language in real-time.


Additionally, once Hybrid AR gets into the mainstream, it would greatly reduce business travel expenditures as managers will no longer need to move from one place to another but instead conduct their meetings at the comfort of their offices.


The scope by which Hybrid AR will have an impact on industries can be summarized as follows:

  • Enhanced training methods: Hybrid AR has great potential in training and educational areas. It can allow new trainees to work in a real-world training environment through the use of Hybrid AR technology. Through it, a trainee can understand a concept or procedure more easily.
  • Remote guidance: Most people who work in sales or other fields that require accomplishing tasks out of an office, tend to stay outside during most of their working hours. During this time, they may require some assistance from one of their peers in order to deal with a situation that may be difficult for one person to handle. Hybrid AR technology can help solve this issue quickly by providing instructions or manuals virtually.
  • Develop new ways of getting work done: Besides from helping people remotely, Hybrid AR could also change the ways in which we work. In the case of medical institutions, doctors and paramedics can use it to treat diseases with ease. This technology is also proving useful when it comes to educating health professionals where trainees use it to perform several procedures in a controlled virtual environment.



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Hybrid AR has will certainly have a big part in the technological revolution of the present and future. It is already affecting numerous industries and showing potential for economic growth.  Integrating Hybrid AR technology in app development boosts the efficiency, user satisfaction and productivity of apps. That’s why corporations and businesses should keep an eye on the latest AR developments and adapt their approach to better integrate these game changing innovations.


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Rilind Elezaj is a thought leader in digital marketing, with extensive experience in the field of SEO and SMM. He has supported the growth of numerous major organizations in the U.S. and Europe through bespoke marketing solutions. Rilind has a strong entrepreneurial mindset and has devoted his career to enhancing the sphere of digital marketing.


About the Author


Hi All, I'm Nicola and I am part of the EuroSTAR team. I enjoy outdoor activities and martial arts, it's fun! I joined EuroSTAR in 2018 and am excited to meet new people every year during the conferences. Tester Friends are for life :)
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