How Agile Principles Help in A Remote Working Atmosphere

If you are looking to improve your remote working conditions, you might implement the Agile methodology to support your team. An Agile working environment helps establish the foundation for better team collaboration, enhanced flexibility, and increased employee engagement. 

But, what is an Agile workforce? And more importantly, what advantages can remote teams expect by using the Agile remote working methodology? 

What is Agile Methodology?

Before delving into how Agile practices can help your remote team thrive, you need to know what these principles are all about. 

Rather than focusing on the bigger picture or taking a long-term approach to getting things done, Agile principles break down tasks into short iterations called ‘sprints.’

Sprints last anywhere between a week to a month, and the team has defined goals of what they need to work on, what has to be accomplished, and when. 

The leader of the Agile team is referred to as the Scrum master. Each morning, the scrum master hosts quick check-ins or stand-ups, where the team shares their milestones and status updates. At the end of every sprint meeting, the team gets together for comprehensive meetings – retrospectives or ‘retro’ to review the sprint and determine the best opportunities to help organizations move forward. 

After that, companies choose the objectives and assignments to focus on for the next sprint meeting, and so on. 

An Agile methodology is a practical tool for any organization. However, these practices are especially effective for remote working environments since they enable leaders to identify what is working and what is not, and make changes in real-time, which is crucial in maintaining proficiency in distributed teams. 

That said and done, though, one question remains. How can entrepreneurs adopt the Agile methodology to boost collaboration, efficiency, and productivity within your remote team? More on that below. 

Agile in Remote Working Environment

Evidently, the Agile methodology offers remote teams several benefits. These include: 

Daily and Weekly Check-ins

The Agile working principles involve concepts such as Scrum and Sprint meetings. 

Sprint meetings help firms plan activities for upcoming events. A company and its clients mutually agree on the deliverables for upcoming specific weeks. 

Scrum meetings are conducted every day, with each team member reporting their project progress and other potential hurdles. All the reports are communicated with clients to stay on the same page and avoid possible issues. 

Agile principles help remote teams benefit from this structure, as it does not leave room for confusion and allows team managers to track and monitor the progress of remote teams. 

Agile Project Management Tools

Agile principles have taken the business universe, especially the software development industry, by storm due to their strong concepts. 

There are numerous Agile project management tools in the market, but only a few are customizable and detailed. The two most detailed and customizable are Jira, a tool owned by Atlassian, and Yodiz, a program run by Viztrend.

Both platforms have Agile principles engraved, but Yodiz outdoes Jira in cost-effectiveness. These platforms are incredible for firms with remote teams. It enables them to work on Agile principles with all-encompassing features support that make Sprint planning and project tracking effortless. 

Enhances Firm’s Visibility

Ask any entrepreneur what they need more of for their firm, and you will hear the term ‘visibility.’ Proper visibility across any company helps CEOS, managers, and other firm leaders make smart decisions. 

Visibility into what the firm is doing and how it is conducting its business help enhance transparency of leadership. It also helps boost accountability across the business. It can also help boost the overall agility of the firm – when everyone (including the employees) is on the same page, it is easier to make smart, strategic, and coordinated pivots required to adjust the marketplace. 

Agile principles provide the firm with the foundation to increase visibility over time. One of the most practical ways of boosting visibility is by using Kanban – a visual management platform USED BY Agile firms to visualize their workflows by which project gets done first. Other tools include Asana, ClickUp, and Trello. 

Reduced Risks

Remote teams face increased risks due to communication gaps and expectation variance. Nevertheless, when working with reliable Agile teams, you thoroughly reduce the risk of failure. 

These risks range from investment risks, security risks, to productivity risks- thanks to the Agile principles, these risks might not affect your organization anymore. This is primarily due to constant feedback from clients; the risks of any alterations afterward can be thoroughly eliminated. 

Moreover, constant feedback from product owners and management sets out the ideal way for teams to progress, which is vital for remote teams.

Offers Clear Milestones

When working remotely, clients usually do not set out clear milestones. They randomly assign projects to teams, and when things go wrong, both parties suffer. With Agile principles, though, product owners and teams settle on the plan of execution through setting clear milestones.

That way, remote teams know the client’s expectations and goals for the project. Setting clear milestones also helps avoid any issues that might come up by defining the requirements and deliverables first. 


Diversity Support

Remote working environments help promote diversity and bring experience into the overall culture of any organization. Your one team might not possess the same creative and experienced approach, but Agile principles support the diversity of remote teams since it offers them a well-organized framework to get the work done. 

Provides Flexibility

If there is anything Agile methodology provides is flexibility. Remote teams offer different expertise, and with higher affordability, organizations can increase flexibility, promote dependability, and improve cooperation. 

Firms and their clients work hand in hand, and thanks to Agile flexibility, any unforeseen issues can be solved quickly, enhancing project successes. 

Timely Deliveries

Another incredible benefit of Agile principles is that they allow teams to get work done within the project timetable. Teams get to set their milestones together and still leave room for additional issues that might come up.

They also help teams meet their deadlines, and with improved flexibility, this becomes even easier for teams to make timely deliveries. 

Attracts More Talent

No one loves working in mind-numbing, old office spaces. 

Not even the dullest person in the universe would.

Nonetheless, an agile environment holds substantial attractions for everyone – and it is not just about free pizza, beanbags, and Spotify playlists.

It appeals to the unconventional beliefs about flexible working conditions, work-life balance, and following their passion. Even multinational corporations like Google have been using the Agile office design since their startup. 

That is the reason why Google still gets the best global talent. And by maintaining an Agile work environment, you too can attract the best talent for your company.  


Improved Employee Engagement


Do you remember when offices meant having a certain hierarchy?

Top boss – middle management – other employees. 

Fortunately, this hierarchy does not apply anymore. And by adopting the Agile work environment, firms might have to leave it behind entirely. 

Agile working environments favor transparency over exclusivity. Therefore, your remote work environment will not have defined boundaries separating management bands anymore, which, in turn, will help boost employee engagement. 

It is more engaging than the traditional setup, with staff being open, management giving employees a chance to express themselves, and everyone generally having an excellent time. 

In any case, a team that eats together can conquer almost all challenges. 

When your staff is working remotely, you have to offer them structure that enables you to work collaboratively, effectively, and efficiently. And now that you are aware of how to incorporate agile management practices into your remote team management, you can provide your team with structure and watch them prosper in the process. 


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About the author
Rithesh Raghavan is the Director at Acodez, a Digital Agency in India. Having a rich experience of 15+ years in Digital Marketing, Rithesh loves to write up his thoughts on the latest trends and developments in the world of IT and software development.

About the Author

Ronan Healy

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