New Features for the TEST Huddle Forum

Home Forums Feedback Forum New Features for the TEST Huddle Forum

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  • #5758
    Ronan Healy

    To make TEST Huddle more user friendly and to improve you experience, we have added some new features to the Forums:

    A lot of you asked for an easy quoting button and we have added that feature. If you scroll across in a comment you want to quote and reply to then just hit the Quote button.

    New Toolbar:
    The new Post Toolbar offers you loads of choice. You can now emded video and pictures into your post. Change the font or just add a smiley to your post. 😆

    Keep an eye out for more new features to come.


    Below are some of the latest updates to TEST Huddle


    Like & Share BTN

    Now you can like individual comment

    and Share them via Social Media


    Leave a Comment

    We have also added a “Leave A Comment” Sticky button

    This will follow you down the page and when clicked, send you straight to the Comment section when you are logged in.

    To save your finger from all that scrolling!

    More updates to come!!

    Ronan Healy

    I should mention that Cathal is our new Test Huddle developer and is busyily working on improving Test Huddle for you. So if you have thoughts on what could change on Test Huddle, drop us a line on



    We have just added a “Translate” button for our Logged in Users.

    This gives the option to translate individual Replies into 28 Languages.

    Ronan Healy

    The site updates keep on coming.

    We have added a new feature on the homepage. Now you can access conversations directly.

    There are three tabs:

    The first is our picks of the best threads on the forum
    The Second is for the most popular recent conversations
    The third tab allows you to start your own conversation from the homepage.

    Try it out and let us know what you think. Do you like the new format?


    Cool! Well done guys working on the site.

    Ronan Healy

    The Quick Reply Button now has “Quick Reply” written around it so it’s function is more obvious. If you have suggestions for changes to make to the site, let us know here.


    I would like to see “insert emoji” feature inside reply section.


    Replies are posted in text format and if you try to Insert your text from MS word document it introduce so many annoying tags.

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