A guide to the historic events that happened on this day in technology history; Windows Millennium Edition is launched and Apple recalls it’s just launched Powerbooks.
1995 – Apple Recalls PowerBooks
Ont his day in 1995, Apple recalled all of its PowerBook 5300 laptops. The laptops are recalled due to an issue with Sony-manufactured batteries that could explode while overheated while charging on AC power. Within a few weeks the company will issue nickelmetal-hydride (NiMH) rather than LIon batteries.
2000 – Windows Millennium Edition
In the United States, Microsoft releases the Windows Millennium Edition (ME) operating system. The new operating system is launched for a promotional price of $59.95 for home users replacing Windows 98 and Window 98 Second Edition. The updated operating system is designed for home users.
Images: Wikipedia, Winsupersite.com