Welcome to our weekly latest software testing news and Quotes of the Week from the testing field. This week in software testing news: Test Pant team up with Undo, Egyptian Bug hunter start-up, Open-Xchange Bug Bounty Programme and more.
Undo Team Up With Test Plant
“Testing is vital to the success of continuous integration, and enhancing eggPlant’s capabilities with Undo’s technology provides developers with the ability to rapidly respond to failures in production and test environments”
Anthony Edwards, CTO of TestPlant explains the reasons for the collaboration between Test Plant and Undo. Undo, A Cambridge based company expects that the partnership will lead to easier access for developers when writing software and analysing bugs. Undo software allows users to rewind and replay technology, which will enable developers to identify, diagnose and respond to software failures. Test Plant’s premier software; EggPlant will be utilised in this regard. Read More here
Egyptian App Bug Finder Start-Up Breaking Ground
“We are building a platform for mobile developers to help them fix bugs much faster and communicate much faster”
Omar Gabr, co-found of Instabug along with Moataz Soliman explains the raison d’être of their newly developed bug hunting programme. Designed to monitor Android and Apple apps, the software identifies bugs in the apps and notify’s developers. The company has recently successfully raised funding to expand the company. Read More here
Microsoft Accidentally Distributes Printer Bugs
“The issue appears to be directly related to specific Windows Updates from August 9, 2016.”
Some of Microsoft Knowledge Base updates seem to have caused issues for its customers. The update was an attempt by Microsoft to fix the known issue with Windows 7 scanning for software updates. Unfortunately that fix caused issues for anyone trying to print two or more pages. Read More here
Open-Xchange Announce Bug Bounty Programme 
Open-Xchange, a creator, developer and distributor of market based software has just announced that the company will be making its software available to the public for bug bounty programmes. Previously Open-Xchange operated a invite only bug bounty programme but has recently decided to go public. Read More here
Images: Instabug, Open-Xchange