How To Sell Excellent Testing: 8 Principles for Communicating the Value of Excellent Software Testing

Ingo Philipp

The importance of software testing is often not recognised by management in organisations. Sometimes you have to demonstrate the real benefits of testing. That can be hard to do. This eBook explores how to sell excellent testing to your organisation. This mean communicating the value of software testing in a strategic way so that testing is no longer seen as a cost-centre but as a value-centre by people who matter. This eBook will demonstrate how selling software testing is possible.

Being an excellent tester does not mean being excellent in selling the importance of software testing. In this eBook, Ingo Philipp will explore the differences between the two. Follow the journey of Alice, an excellent tester who has to communicate the value of testing to people in operational and strategic level roles in her company including people such as the CPO, the CTO, and various senior vice presidents.

Learn how you should communicate testing to non-testers, what details to share and what ones to not share. Discover the practical approach of using sales tactics such as targeting, differentiation, debunking and others. The eBook will share two types of principals to get to a result with selling testing; action-related and process-related principles. You will discover a colourful mix of both types.

Key Takeaways

  1. Learn why its important to sell testing to management
  2. Understand how to communicate the importance of software testing.
  3. Explore the different principals of communicating testing.

About Me!

Ingo is a seasoned product management professional who helps companies to develop, market, and sell software products & services that people need, want, and will pay for. He holds a master’s degree in theoretical astrophysics, has deep technical skills, and currently completes an MBA program at the Vienna University of Economics & Business. In his last positions, his responsibilities ranged from product engineering, product management, marketing (e.g., product, event, content) to sales, presales, and evangelism. Ingo is experienced in leading cross-functional (e.g., engineering, marketing, sales, services, community & partner management) and cross-cultural teams in large-scale and fast-paced development environments. His engineering experiences embrace classical and modern practices (e.g., Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, DevOps, CI/CD) in small, medium, and large organizations across various industries (e.g., retail, healthcare, banking).Ingo has a long resume of public speaking engagements that span the globe. He has given keynotes, track talks, and conducted workshops as well as seminars at more than 60 conferences on software development. In his early days, Ingo worked as a theoretical physicist in the field of high energy particle physics, cosmology, and computational astrophysics at the University of Vienna and the Berlin Institute of Technology.

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