Testers – Is it Our Own Fault we are Underrated?!

Claire Goss


Last year I wrote a blog post under this heading and in March of this year I spoke at UKSTAR and the title of the talk and both sparked a huge amount of interest. As testers in organisations do we consider ourselves underrated or less important than other roles? This is a question I asked myself after reading through a number of job specifications for software testing roles. I noted that the vast majority of these job specifications were looking for test automation engineers or software developers to work in test roles. The industry wide perception is that we should be fully focused on automation. However we as testers do a lot more then automation.

In my talk I will highlight everything we do outside of automation,  what value we bring to organisations without even realising it, and trying to work out why we underrate ourselves.

Key Takeaways:

  1. What we as a Test Industry can do to promote the other areas of our roles that don’t just involve automation.
  2. Highlight points on how we can ‘Market’ ourselves so that people outside the testing industry can really understand the value we bring to organisations

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About Me!

Claire Goss is the Senior Delivery Manager for Exactest Ireland. Claire has been a Software Testing specialist for the last ten years based both in Ireland and The Netherlands. She has worked in a variety of roles such as Test Analyst, UAT Test Co-ordinator and Test Manager in the Finance Industry. She is currently the chairperson of SoftTest Ireland a non-profit software testing group which organises a talks around Ireland. Claire has spoken at a number of conferences including SoftTest, EuroSTAR, UKSTAR and UNICOM. Twitter: @ClaireMGoss

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