A Different Me – Episode 5

Ezechi Britton

Founding Member & Principal at Impact X Capital Partners LLP

In this podcast episode we welcome Ezechi Britton from Code Untapped. When i asked Ezechi Britton what diversity and inclusion meant to him, he said diversity is metric and inclusion is about a sense of belonging. Inclusion is about opening a door and inviting people in but belonging is about making them feel welcome.

When we get inclusion and belonging right, diversity flourishes.

Ezechi Britton is from a mixed raced family and was born and bred in Lewisham in East London. He attended a very poor and underprivileged high school where the graduation pass rate was only 14%. Ezechi succeeded in passing his A Levels and was encouraged to attend University by his parents.

Ezechi went to work for the Lehman Brothers’ Bank, traveled for a few years, built a startup and on his return to London he co-founded The Company Neyber. The Company Neyber is a financial well being company that partners with employers to provide fairer access to finance.

While attending conferences and public speaking events, Ezechi decided he needed to step further into the inclusion and diverse space so he started Code Untapped. Code Untapped is all about helping technologists from under represented backgrounds find their voice in technology. Ezechi is also Principal of Impact X Capital, a 100 million pound venture capital fund focused on supporting under represented entrepreneurs.

From Developer to Co-Founder and CTO to serial entrepreneur and VC. It’s been quite a journey for Ezechi, listen to his incredible story. 

See all episodes of A Different Me and sign up to the series! If you would like to be involved or have your own story to tell, please contact cliodhna@eurostarconferences.com

About Me!

With over 15 years of industry experience I have been a developer, fintech founder & CTO and now spend my time as a VC with Impact X Capital and am the founder of my latest venture, Code Untapped. I have gone from Developer to Co-Founder and CTO to serial entrepreneur and VC. It’s been quite a journey for me!

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