Creating Agile Super Teams

Selena Delesie

Delesie Solutions

Ever hear of Super Teams? Agile is founded on collaboration, connection, and growing together. So we shun the superhero who needs to save the day. But what if heroes aren’t all bad? Each person is unique, with special gifts and experiences – isn’t that awesome? Companies need teams filled with heroes, they need Super Teams! Teams with people who are all in and at their best. Embracing this is how Agile teams thrive. We work together while appreciating and welcoming each person’s gifts, allowing us to consistently solve problems and help others. Kind of like the Avengers. High-performing teams know…....

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About Me!

Selena helps individuals and organizations shift into freedom to create, connect, perform, and lead. She has spent 15 years specializing in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Leadership practices — as a coach, trainer, and past manager. Selena is invited to speak and teach on Agile, Quality, Leadership, and Wellness topics. She embraces conscious living from human, heart, and soul-centric lenses for lasting positive change. Selena can also be found growing organic food, guiding yoga and meditation circles, and exploring nature with loved ones. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

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