Agile Testing – yesterday, today and tomorrow

Leanne Howard

Planit Testing

Looking to accelerate your testing? COVID-19 has made us all look at the world in a different way. For many of us this has been very challenging, and we have been forced to change. In this webinar I would like to reflect on what I observed was happening “yesterday” explore what we can do “today” and speculate on what the new “tomorrow” could look like.

We have all heard about websites crashing; the raise in hacking; app not being accessible to everyone and the strains on IT services. This all points to getting the cost of quality model right and a higher focus on our customers’ needs. This is a positive for testers as organisations see our value for both launching new products quickly and maintaining business operations.

I will share some experiments that you can try to accelerate your testing whilst still maintaining high quality and customer focus. Now is a great time to put into action your continuous learning plans and share your wisdom with our profession.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some simple experiments to try
  • Accelerating testing whilst maintaining quality
  • How to focus on what the customer needs, now and into the future


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About Me!

I am Global Business Agility Practice Director at Planit Testing. Accelerate quality, whilst practising continuous testing with me.

Values the “lightweight” approaches, favouring pragmatic, outcome-focused working, with just-in-time effort. With 30+ years in the industry I have built up an extensive toolkit which can adapt to any context.

Ethics and Integrity is part of my core beliefs and values. I want to be continuously learning and collaboratively sharing my knowledge. Benefit from my experience by succeeding first time.

A supportive leader that people gravitate to, excited to learn from and work with. Empathise with the team whilst giving value to the organisation, leading everyone on a journey of growth. I help the team to succeed in their goals, challenging them to optimise whilst being their professional best friend. Most importantly have fun whilst working.

I volunteer my free time to foster better harmony and alignment between the various bodies of knowledge, member of the Australian Standards Committee, TMMi Foundation and ANZTB. I write articles and speak to share my craft, see my LinkedIn profile.

I was honoured to receive the ICT Woman of the Year (NSW) award from my peers.

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