The Atari 1040 STe is launched and Google finalises its acquisition of YouTube . All on today’s On This Day from TEST Huddle.
1989 – Atari 1040 STe
On This day in 1989, Atari introduces the 1040STe, the latest generation in the 1040ST line of computers. The new computer features a 4,096 color extended palette, 8-bit digital stereo sound, and hardware-based scrolling technology as well as incorporating features of MIDI technology.
2006 – Google Acquires YouTube
In the U.S. Google completes the acquisition of Youtube for $1.65 billion in stock, roughly one year after the site’s official launch. The company will reportedly run YouTube at a loss for the first year. By 2008, it’s expected that the service’s revenue will be $200 million.
Images: Wikipedia