Why user acceptance testing is important?

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    Why uat is important? What if we will not perform uat testing?


    I don’t think you should skip it. It’s necessary to make sure the product can effectively be used to support the business’s day-to-day operations. I think that’s why there are a lot of types of software testing services and all of them are important.


    UAT is one of the final and critical software project procedures that must occur before newly developed software is rolled out to the market.


    Needs of User acceptance testing arises once software has undergone unit, integration and system testing because developers might have built software based on requirements documents by their own understanding and further required changes during development may not be effectively communicated with them, so for testing whether the final product is accepted by client/end-user, user acceptance testing is needed.

    ASP.Net Software Development


    When you perform functional tests (which are usually undertaken by quality assurance engineers), you validate the software against functional specs. These are specifications that no one outside of developers fully understands or cares about. But just because the software functions properly doesn’t mean it will be well-received or enjoyed by its intended audience. Certain business requirements and processes are only understood by clients or users; that’s why user acceptance testing is so important.

    Developers tend to develop tunnel vision when working on the same app for long periods of time and can’t evaluate and assess everything, especially the front-facing side of software. The other issue UAT solves is post-release bugs, errors, or bad user experience. These bugs may not show up in other tests but they may become apparent in the app design or flow of features. Fixing these defects before the software is released will reduce initial negative impressions or reviews of your software.

    The short answer is to protect the organisation from harm. Any changes in a business, and especially installing new computer systems, expose it to many risks including:

    • Reputation Risk: This is where external people such as customers, suppliers, or legal authorities perceive there is a problem with the organisation, and decide not to use it, or in the case of legal authorities, give it more scrutiny then they have before.
    • Legal Risk: It is possible that the system could break laws, leaving you open to legal proceedings.
    • Time Risk: The system may not meet key business deadlines. This is definitely something you would want to discover in testing and not when a system goes live.
    • Resource Risk: If a system does not properly integrate with your organisation, a lot of resource may be expended in working around the system; adding cost, but no value.

    Therefore the main reason for UAT is to find out what a system will do for your organisation before you implement it. Then make the decision based on the evidence presented by the testing.

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