Where do you recruit new testers from? 

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    Where would you go to recruit  new testers and test managers?

    In many places testing and test management is still something that you fall into. (32% of all testers surveyed in International 2017 State of Testing fell into testing). How do we get people to fall into testing?

    I see it as a balance between many things:

    – recruit internally, for domain/company knowledge

    – recruit for certain training and educational background

    – recruit for pro-activity and bug–finding attitude

    Since there is still very little formal education in testing to feed to the entry level positions, we need to find people elsewhere. While some computer science background is probably helpful, there is more to testing than scripting automation. It’s also about pattern matching and the scientific methods of experimentation. What would be good educational backgrounds to recruit from? What skills would be good that cannot be taught during education?


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