What is your favourite movie?

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    I am a big movie fan and I regularly go to the cinema to check out the latest releases. I’ll watch most movies (apart from rom-coms!!!). Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption are two of my favourite movies. What’s yours?


    Here is a list of the top 10 movies as voted by IMDb users. Which of these is the best? Do you agree with the top 10? What other movies do you like that aren’t included?


    I have three favourite movies – Toy Story 1, 2 & 3

    Toy Story 1 due to the groundbreaking technology
    Toy Story 2 is one of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen. I will never forget the reaction of the cinema audience when Emperor Zurg announced to Buzz ‘I am your father’ – the whole cinema audience bent forward in their seats with laughter
    And Toy Story 3 mainly due to the last 10 mins when all the characters thought that this was the end and the emotion that the movie makers managed to convey in that one scene. Took my breath away…


    Great call. I loved those Toy Story movies. It’s hard to believe the first one was nearly 20 years ago! If yHou like animation then i’d strongly recommend UP if you haven’t seen it. It’s hilarious 🙂


    20 years ago?! Sweet jesus… 😐


    My all time favorite movie is one flew over the cuckoo’s nest (1975)
    Fantastic acting by a great cast (Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Brad Dourif, Danny deVito,).
    Based on the novel by Ken Kesey.


    Got to be the original Star Wars trilogy (especially The Empire Strikes back).

    Let’s forget about me being a fan for a second because by merit there are a lot of more moving and worthy films. That being said, for imagination, transporting the audience to a fantasy world and use of 1970s technology to create a film that didn’t seem to age for nearly 30 years until the CGI (entire green screen shooting) prequels were released; I think it is amazing how much could be done with what was available at the time.

    I could go on for hours but won’t so as a final nod I’d like to tip my hat to old style film making (Spartacus, Cleopatra and the like) as it must have been such hard work.
    If you wanted to make it look like you had a thousand people on screen, you had to find a thousand people and put them on screen.


    here mine: the Blues Brothers, Frankstein Jr. , the old trilogy of StarWars, all movies of Sergio Leone, all movies about Dirty Henry!
    but since I’m a happy daddy I do not longer go to the cinema. I’m waiting a couple of years more to start again and build a strong background of animations. 🙂


    Roel I only saw that movie recently and loved it. Seth I could have guessed you would be a Star Wars fan based on the the pictures you posted in the Are you a Jedi Knight? discussion 🙂 Marzio I’m ashamed to say I haven’t seen those movies.


    Lots of great films mentioned Daragh so at least we can make a list of things to investigate.

    Jaws (a year after I was born) – Even growing up, my sister would keep her feet up on the sofa at night when we were kids because of that movie (inside a house, 25 miles inland from the nearest stretch of water).


    I spent a summer on Nantucket island near Cape Cod which is one of the locations used for the Jaws films. I was afraid to get in the water!


    Claire I love Toy Story aswell! Didn’t see the third one though!

    I love The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and of course I always love a good comedy/chick flick film too 🙂


    “If you wanted to make it look like you had a thousand people on screen, you had to find a thousand people and put them on screen.”

    I totally agree Seth! Reminds me of the below behind-the-scenes photo from Spartacus, as featured in this TIME Magazine article:

    Kubrick placed “numbered signs among the ‘corpses’,” LIFE reported, “so that he could holler, ‘You there, next to number 163, move over or look dead or something.’ Otherwise, he would have hollered ‘you there’ and nine guys would have hollered back ‘Who, me?’ When he was ready to shoot they took the numbers away and shot.

    Spartacus extras


    My favourite movies vary on a week-by-week basis, but I’d have to narrow it down to:

    Heat: Michael Mann’s classic 3hr thriller about crime, trust and obsession. Famed at the time for having the first on-screen face-off for Pacino and De Niro. Also features some big-name stars before they were famous (Ashley Judd, Natalie Portman, William Fichtner and Hank Azaria all have minor roles).

    Clerks: From the epic to the outrageous. Kevin Smith’s directorial debut, and the first appearance of the now-infamous Jay and Silent Bob. Shot entirely on a black & white handheld camera, after closing time in the convenience store where Smith worked; it’s crude, hilarious, and very 90s.

    Primer: Great indie film about a group of young engineers who work out how to manipulate time. Hard to find a trailer which does it justice; the beauty is in the dialogue (there’s often several simultaneous conversations overlapping, which gives you a feeling that you’re eavesdropping on a room of people) and the science is head-scratchingly complex – you’ll be wanting to draw a timeline diagram at the end. It’s on Netflix / Lovefilm Instant, I suggest you watch it pronto.


    My favourite movie list..(although I’m an addict for movies , so my list goes on and on and on and on…

    Star Wars , IV, V and VI
    Cube (minimal decor, max impact!!)
    The game (the twist!!)
    Shawshank redemption
    Spit on your grave 2
    Logan’s Run
    Event horizon (although last time I saw it I found out that it became a bit predictable)
    The Ten Commandments (awesome effects for back then!)
    Hostel (1 and 2)
    Cape fear
    The human centipede (it still disgusts me, which for this sort of movie is a good thing)
    The others (also the twist)
    Nell (but also the book is good)
    Harry Potters (I feel no shame 🙂 )
    Lord of the Rings (go with the mass 🙂 )
    And so on and so on 😀


    My favorites:
    Almost all Quentin Tarantino movies
    Lord of the rings
    Star Wars
    Monty Python
    The Intouchables
    Fight Club
    Shawshank Redemption
    Blues Brothers
    American History X
    Forrest Gump
    Schindler’s List


    Huib that is a great list. It is pretty much what I would have selected and I too love Quentin Tarantino movies. I’d add his Inglorious Bastards to that list.


    Interesting call Nathalie with The human centipede. Neil of those three movies I think I have only seen Heat. I must watch the others.


    Have you guys been in my house?

    Great to see so many movies I love in these lists.

    Quick replies:
    Neil – great picture reference (I didn’t know that but makes perfect sense) & Heat – Epic battle through city streets.

    Huib – I may cause a riot here but would like to add From Dusk till Dawn QTs Screenplay (First half). I wish they had completed the movie as the crazed outlaw movie it started out to be. Don’t get me wrong the second part was just as insane and entertaining but I had questioned if I’d passed out and woke up part way through another movie.

    Nathalie – Another great list (The Game – Twist x20), Logan’s Run (Gave me nightmares for years as a child, I had a plastic lampshade that looked just like the huge crystal in the Carousel ceremony hanging from my bedroom ceiling.

    Daragh – Jaws will do that to you. If you know the films from that era there was always some species waiting to take you out (giant croc/snake/piranha, swarms of bees or cockroaches that would burst into flames)

    Emma – Chick flicks? Hmm 😀 not a fan but do have 50 First Dates if that counts? >>Warning I have a perpetual Non-Disclosure Agreement that prohibits sharing of that fact.<<

    Marzio – Blues Brothers (classic and what a soundtrack). Around 60 customised patrol cars were destroyed during the film.

    Roel – Nicholson at his best, the movie is like an emotional punch in the gut.

    Claire – As a fully grown adult I went out & bought a Mr Potato Head (for me). I also own a Darth Tater & Spud Trooper.

    Just for kicks I’m going to add
    Alien Quadrilogy (turned a little popcorn by Resurrection)
    12 Monkeys
    Sunshine (Danny Boyle)
    Pans Labyrinth
    Wreck-It Ralph


    I’m going to narrow it down and pick my top 3’s:

    Dumb & Dumber
    Step Brothers

    Toy Story

    Fight Club
    The Shawshank Redemption

    Honorable Mentions
    The Fugitive
    Saving Private Ryan
    Citizen Kane
    Life of Brian
    Sin City
    Inglorious Bastards
    Forrest Gump
    (Ok I need to stop. This list could go on and on…. 🙂 )


    “The Jerk” with Steve Martin is possibly the funniest film I’ve ever seen. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it asap!

    Another top movie of mine is “Glory” – a story about the first black regiment in that American civil war.

    “Saving Private Ryan” is another fav film of mine. As is “The Cube”.


    Dan I haven’t seen Jerk, must watch that!

    I watched Despicable Me 2 while babysitting my little cousins at the weekend, it’s very funny! I highly recommend it for anyone with kids – or anyone who enjoyed Shrek 🙂


    Came across this yesterday and I think you developers out there will get a kick out of it….

    It’s not a real movie (obviously) but would you watch it if it was? I would 🙂


    Good Will Hunting is another favourite of me. Also because of the music by Elliott Smith.


    Just took out the 10stars of my top rated lists from imdb. Here it is, in no particular order.
    Shawshank Redemption
    Fight Club
    Forest Gump
    The Usual Suspects
    Leon, the Professional
    The Hunt
    The Pianist
    Take Shelter

    The Big Bang Theory
    Breaking Bad
    Modern Family
    Boardwalk Empire


    God why hasn’t anyone said Terminator & Terminator 2…even back then they were way ahead of themselves!! 🙂

    T2 – Always my top spot

    Predator – Because lets face it, Predator is Awesome!

    Lord of the Rings – Elves, Dwarves, Fantasy what more could you want

    Harry Potter – Nothing like magic to keep you inspired!

    The Goonies – This a def must, searching for treasure and pirates!

    Jurassic Park – Because no matter what I am doing when I see that on TV I gotta watch it! 🙂

    But there are so many more out there! LOL


    Sin City two has just arrived in cinemas here in Ireland and I’m really excited to see it. Have any of you seen the first one? it’s brilliant!

    Here is the epic trailer for the new movie


    Did anyone else see the trailer for the new Steve Jobs movie?

    What do you think? Will you go and see it?

    Did you see the first movie?


    Roel, I love Good Will Hunting. Great call. Apparently Ben Affleck dropped out of college after his creative writing lecturer slated the Good Will Hunting script.

    Stefan, those are some good choices. I haven’t seen The Hunt, The Pianist or The Shelter.


    Emma, The Goonies was on TV the other night. Brought be right back to my childhood. I switch over during the ‘Truffle Shuffle’.

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