Would you like to have direct contact with a conference speaker? To know her/him little bit more, to have a longer talk?
There are track chair positions for participants who want to help the speakers to make their speech even better experience 🙂
What the track chair person does?
Basically she/he introduce the speaker, making sure that the technical things that the presenter might need are in place (internet connection, notebook/laptop etc.), the practicalities of it is handled by the technicians at the conference, but if something goes wrong or is missing, then it’s the track chairs job to make sure the problems get solved and taken care of.
You are also helping the speaker keep track of time and afterwards managing the time allocated for questions to the speaker.
For more info write to Anna Hoff <[email protected]> with email title “I want to be track chair in EuroSTAR Conference 2016”.
PS. I’ll be a track chair for Declan O’Riordan 🙂