Hi Devanathan,
When you add the object in repository, you will see all the properties of that object. Normally, besides the value, it should have other properties like id, class, name, title, html tag etc. Try to find the properties that contain a fixed value even if the entire value is dynamically changing. For example: if the object has the name “availableseats12345678”, it contains a fixed value “availableseats” and a generated 8 digit value at each run. You can use a regular expression like this to identify it: “availableseats.*”. So, it will identify the object with the name that starts with “availableseats”. Additionally, if more objects have the same description, you can set an index in repository for each of them.
Another way is to use the relative position to another object that can be always identified somewhere near; you can set in repository for the dynamically changing object different positions e.g. above, below, etc. the other object.
If using the repository does not work, you can try using the keyboard commands. You can go through the fields by using the tab key and you can enter data in the field or copy data from the field with the SendKeys method.