Featured Members: Jesper Lindholt-Ottosen, Jokin Aspiazu and Malcolm Isaacs

Last time we got to know:  Magnus PetterssonFrank Pedersen and Chris Moller


This week I am featuring a few more members of TEST Huddle for you to read about.


Jesper Lindholt-Ottosen

Profile picture of Jesper

Jesper is  a test manager hailing from Denmark. He works for NNIT, an IT consultancy company for IT development, implementation and operations. Jesper is a confirmed Jedi Knight! Jesper has very recently got involved in the communicating contributing to the discussion on  What Questions Do You Ask?


Jokin Aspiazu

Profile picture of Jokin Aspiazu

Jokin is a software tester and also a blogger. He blogs at Tales of A Fellow Tester.  His day job is working in software testing based in Valencia in Spain. He recently got involved in the discussion led by Michael Bolton on a Agile Testing Eco-System.  Check out that conversation here.


Malcolm Isaacs

Profile picture of Malcolm Isaacs

Malcolm is a Functional Architect at HP. He recently presented a webinar here on TEST Huddle on the Role of the Tester in the Agile Enterprise. As you might guess Malcolm has a lot of experience with Agile and is discussing his experience on the webinar and forum discussion here.

If you would like to be a featured member on the blog, just leave a comment below or simply PM me.
About the Author

Ronan Healy

Hi everyone. I'm part of the EuroSTAR team. I'm here to help you engage with the EuroSTAR Huddle Community and get the best out of your membership. Together with software testing experts, we have a range of webinars and eBooks for you to enjoy and we have lots of opportunities for you to come together online. If you have any thoughts about the community, please get in contact with me.
Find out more about @ronan