Featured Community Members: Roisin Doyle, Declan O’Riordan & Kristoffer Ankarberg

Last week we got to know Andres Curcio, Huib Schoots & Kristoffer Nordström  Lets get to know three more community members…

Roisin Doyle

Profile picture of Roisin

Roisin is a Test Analyst who specializes in Agile, Web/Mobile, Exploratory, Security and SEO testing. She loves to find bugs and break websites. I wonder if she can find the special ‘Bugs’ I hid in this blog post 🙂

Declan O’Riordan

Profile picture of Declan
Declan is a Test Consultant at Testing IT, UK. He is expert in Security testing and will present a track session at EuroSTAR 2014 entitled: What? Why? Who? How? Of Application Security Testing. He has also kindly agreed to do a webinar on May 20th entitled:  Application Security Testing – Where did it all go wrong? You can register for the  webinar here

Kristoffer Ankarberg

Profile picture of Kristoffer

Kristoffer is a Senior Specialist in Test at Ericsson, Sweden. He was a Test Lab apprentice at EuroSTAR 2012 and a Test Lab Master in 2013. In case you are wondering what a Test Lab is, its a classroom (100 square meters) in the heart of the  EuroSTAR Expo and is great opportunity to meet new friends and to learn something new outside of the conventional classroom setting or your working environment

If you want to be involved in the Test Lab, and you like wearing awesome white coats, Kristoffer is the man to talk to.

Test Lab Team




Stay tuned next week as we meet three more TEST Huddle members

About the Author


Hi everybody! I am part of the marketing team here at TESTHuddle and I look after content generation. I am a big rugby fan and love to watch Munster and Ireland matches. I have a beagler (beagle/king charles cavalier cross) pup called Nelson. I look forward to interacting with you guys!
Find out more about @daraghm