A False Sense of Security: Why API Tests and Monitors Fail to Detect and Diagnose Many Bugs

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs

Development and QA/testing leaders increasingly agree that quality must be baked into all builds, resulting in a nice double-helix of productivity that can save a lot of pain and costs. But in order to make the dream match reality, UI and API tests, testing (and monitoring) must give developers, QA engineers, and non-technical testers confidence that they can collaborate easily and quickly from design to release. The first step in building confidence in your testing and monitoring solution is to build trust in its speed and quality of feedback: Do you trust your testing solution when it  reports a PASS? Or are too many false-negatives slipping through the cracks, resulting in too many products going live with bugs and/or potentially dangerous API vulnerabilities?

In this eBook, learn how real enterprise customers were failed by their UI and API testing and monitoring solutions. See why they switched to Sauce Labs for a unified approach to UI and API testing and  monitoring with core capabilities carefully designed to drive confidence with a) highly usable feedback b) fast testing and debugging c) easy team collaboration via dashboards, detailed reporting and a modern UI.


Key Takeaways

  1. Uncover the steps to improve API testing
  2. Learn how Sauce Labs supported API testing in organisations
  3.  Discover the importance of quality API testing



Check out other test automation related resources in EuroSTAR Huddle.

About Me!

Sauce Labs is the company enterprises trust to deliver digital confidence. More than 3 billion tests have been run on the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Cloud, the most comprehensive and trusted testing platform in the world. Sauce Labs delivers a 360-degree view of a customer’s application experience, helping businesses improve the quality of their user experience by ensuring that web and mobile applications look, function, and perform exactly as they should on every browser, OS, and device, every single time. Sauce Labs enables organizations to increase revenue and grow their digital business by creating new routes to market, protecting their brand from the risks of a poor user experience, and delivering better products to market, faster.

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