Gaining Consciousness

Fiona Charles

Quality Intelligence

What is consciousness? How do we draw a line in our decision-making process between trained intuition and careless assumption?  Sometimes, an expert medical doctor makes a dazzlingly accurate diagnosis in a complex case that baffles other physicians, yet cannot explain how she knows what ails the patient. In other cases, a doctor with similar or greater expertise might miss the diagnostic mark entirely.   It’s natural and human for a skilled practitioner to make some decisions purely on instinct. We have trained our instincts through increasing experience and craft. But if we fool ourselves into believing that we can operate on instinct alone, we…....

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About Me!

Fiona Charles is an independent consultant, workshop designer/facilitator, and international keynote speaker. She specialises in the human side of software development and projects: teaching organizations to manage their software quality risk, and IT practitioners project skills “beyond process”—hands-on practical skills essential to thrive and excel on any kind of software project. She consults with clients on software quality, testing, and test management, works as an Agile testing coach, and acts occasionally as a program-level test manager on difficult projects. She has recorded several webinars, and published many articles in test-related publications. 

Contact Fiona via her website, and follow her on twitter @FionaCCharles. 

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