A Different Me – Episode 10

Juliette Sanchez Lambert

Trainer & Consultant

Juliette focuses on harassment prevention training and supports organisations in designing their harassment prevention mechanisms as well as training how to recognise harassment in the early stages in order to create an inclusive workplace.

Juliette’s journey with human rights started when she was child and became aware of the injustices around her and then took a greater interest in gender studies as she moved into university. She has organised many workshops since university and worked with the Brussels feminist collective founder Sarah Hassan to help people to identify harassment in every day life. You can download the guide here.

Sexual harassment has not just started when it is publicly visible. Often it can start with a series of seemingly harmless behaviours which, when taken together as an assemble, can constitute harassment or help to create conditions for more problematic behaviours can arise.

Often organisations believe if they work for the greater good i.e. human rights, then they think there aren’t any problematic behaviours present in their company. However, there is often unconscious biases present in working relationships and every organisation needs to ensure they don’t make harassment invisible.

Listen to Juliette’s story for more details.

See all episodes of A Different Me and keep an eye for the next episode in the series! If you would like to be involved or have your own story to tell, please contact hello@eurostarhuddle.com

About Me!

I am a facilitator, trainer and consultant, passionate about equality.

I have worked in the field of human rights for 7 years, with expertise on women’s rights, LGBTQI+ rights, refugee and migrant rights and harassment prevention in the civil society sector and European institutions. Next to my job, I have created and facilitated dozens of trainings and empowering workshops on topics related to gender equality and feminism.

In 2019 I co-authored a practical guide called ‘It’s not that grey’ which deconstructs the so-called “grey zone” of sexual harassment by giving concrete tools to identify, bust myths around it and fight harassment.

Besides providing training and advice to organisations on harassment prevention, and working as a consultant on human rights issues, I also coach people who have long been job-seeking on the art of crafting job applications that do justice to their skills and experience, so they gain back confidence in what they have to offer to the job market.

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