The What, Why, and How of DevOps

Ingo Philipp


First, let’s establish this fact: DEVOPS IS A MOVEMENT. Scan through any current software magazines or websites and you may come to this conclusion: DevOps is the most important subject in IT today. A movement that began to take shape around six years ago still manages to create a huge buzz around the IT industry. Most people involved in IT may be able to describe the general framework of DevOps, but lack a concrete understanding of the When, What, Why, and How of DevOps. DevOps is, always has been, and always will be a movement. This gives us, an idea what DevOps isn’t:…....

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About Me!

Ingo Philipp is on the product management team at Tricentis. In this role his responsibilities range from product development and product marketing to test management, test conception, test design, and test automation. His experiences with software testing embrace the application of agile as well as classical testing methodologies in various sectors including financial services, consumer goods, commercial services, healthcare, materials, telecommunications, and energy.

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