Dragon’s Out

Kari Kakkonen


Here is a fun read about software testing, suitable for all ages. Mr. Kari Kakkonen has written the book with the idea of getting children interested in software testing, but his adult pilot readers have considered the book immense fun for themselves, too.

The book tells a growth story of two 10-year old children, Laura and Tom, from kids into knight apprentices. They learn about dragons and knights fighting those dragons, and get into real action themselves, too. They get help from male and female knights and a wise old sage. The stories take place in a setting resembling medieval Europe. As these fantasy stories unfold, I explain to the readers the software development and testing world in analogies or parallels.

Society needs these IT and testing skills. There is a persistent lack of both programming and testing skills on the job market. So my objective is to publish a book about dragons, knights and software testing, for children. This will have positive long-term impact on availability of tesking skills.


The book extract is copyright of Mr. Kari Kakkonen at Dragons Out. For information and ordering of the full book, to be published in 2020, please see www.dragonsout.com

Key Takeaways:

  • We should encourage children into software testing to help with software quality in future years
  • Fantasy stories are a fun way to tell about software testing, for kids and for adults
  • You can follow the book project at dragonsout.com

About Me!

I am the author and CEO of Dragons Out,  a fantasy book to teach software testing to children. I am currently working in Finland at Knowit (knowit.fi), which is a Nordic ICT services company. I have a M.Sc. from Aalto University (aalto.fi). I studied in University of Wisconsin-Madison (wisc.edu) in United States.

I am the Secretary of ISTQB (istqb.org), Treasurer of Finnish Software Testing Board FiSTB (fistb.fi), I have been included in IT–magazine “Tivi” 100 most influential people listing. I am the co-author of Agile Testing Foundations –book.

I am a singer, snowboarder, kayaker, husband, dad.

You can find me on Twitter (twitter.com/kkakkonen) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/karikakkonen).

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