Working Well with Test Design Techniques & Test Approaches

Rik Marselis


How can you spread your testing efforts over a test object in such a way that testing will be an optimal mix of effectiveness and efficiency?

Using the quality-risk-level you decide on the test intensity needed. To achieve that test intensity, test approaches and test design techniques are used.

But there are very many approaches and techniques. So, which do you choose, and why?

In this eBook you’ll read about the experience-based testing approaches and the coverage-based approaches with test design techniques in four coverage groups. This eBook shows examples of how to use approaches and techniques and will also explain that you don’t need to know ALL techniques as long as you know at least one technique per coverage group, so you’ll be able to vary your testing efforts according to the challenges the test objects brings you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Preparing your testing by using experience based and coverage based approaches
  • Use Test design techniques from each of the 4 groups: Process, Condition, Data and Appearance based techniques
  • Work well on your test preparation by always combining approaches and techniques

About Me!

Rik Marselis is a testing expert at Sogeti in the Netherlands. He is a well-appreciated presenter, trainer, author, consultant and coach in the world of testing.

Currently Rik works together with Leo van der Aalst on a completely new vision on testing. But we’ll integrate the valuable practical knowledge that was generated in the past decades. Test design techniques often still apply today, but the way to select and combine them differs. We expect to publish the new vision a website by Q4 of 2019 and in a book early 2020. So this eBook and webinar are a preview!

Rik supported many organisations and people in improving their testing practice by providing useful tools & checklists, teaching in workshops and training courses, practical support and having in-depth discussions. As a fellow of SogetiLabs (Sogeti’s R&D network), Rik researches the testing profession and the implications that the DevOps culture poses on testing.

Rik is very active in the world of testing. He was an ISTQB board member for 6 years and a TestNet board member for 9 years (including 5 years as chairman).

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