How is Testing Different in a DevOps Agile Team. A Perspective from the Team.

Rob Lambert


In this webinar, some of the test team at NewVoiceMedia discussed how testing has changed for them and why working in an agile team is positive for a tester.

The team will share some of the tasks they face in their daily routines, why DevOps and agile can be positive for testers and what some of the main challenges are.

We’ll also discuss how the role of a tester shifts to encompass other responsibilities and how the team manage to balance this other work with testing.

Key Takeaways:

        1. Hear from some of the team about what it’s like to work in a fast paced DevOps environment
        2. Hear how the role of the tester shifts to encompass other responsibilities
        3. Listeners may be interested to hear about the type of work our team do


About Me!

Rob is the author of Remaining Relevant, a book about remaining relevant and employable in today’s testing world. It’s published on LeanPub.

Rob’s mission is to inspire testers to achieve great things in their careers and to take control of their own learning and self development.

Rob Lambert is a veteran Engineering Manager building a forward thinking, creative and awesome team at NewVoiceMedia.

Rob’s also written a number of other test related content such as The Blazingly Simple Guide To Web Testing, The Problems With Testing, The Diary of a Test Manager and many others. You can find them on his blog at

He is married with three kids and lives in historic Winchester, UK.

Twitter: @rob_lambert 

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