Using Your Visual Superpowers

Torbjörn Ryber

Fearless Consulting

In a system development project there can be a lot of written material for us to interpret as well as assumptions that some things are already understood. We all make a lot of interpretations and assumptions but are we making the same assumptions? Well there is a great way to find out – let´s start drawing! When modeling problems visually we are forced to clarify our hidden beliefs to others. In an open environment people will start asking questions and either agree with you or realize that they think differently which will then likely be a spark for fruitful discussions. The main purposes of modeling visually are clarifying assumptions, making it easier to solve complex problems and reach consensus of both problems and solutions.

This paper describes a number of modelling techniques and methods that I have found very useful when working with analysis of customer needs, requirements, solutions and testing these. Visual methods are not only useful but a lot of fun as well! Enjoy!


About Me!

Torbjörn has always had a great desire to learn. In order to learn, you need to study and experiment. One way of taking the learning experience a step further is to teach others what you know. A large part of Torbjörn’s knowledge comes from the comments and discussions with other people. After teaching more than 100 classes in testing and requirements and publishing the book /Essential Software Test Design/ he still learns new things every week–at least–that’s one of his goals. Torbjörn’s specific
goal during 2013 is to study Lean thinking, figure out how we can work together more effectively in our task to create superior software that gives real value to the users, and to ask What can Lean do for testers?

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