Execute Javascript with Selenium, Mastering Selenium 3.0 WebDriver

Mark Collin


The second edition of Mastering Selenium 3.0 WebDriver starts by showing you how to build your own Selenium framework with Maven. You’ll then look at how you can solve the difficult problems that you will undoubtedly come across as you start using Selenium in an enterprise environment and learn how to produce the right feedback when failing. Next, you’ll explore common exceptions that you will come across as you use Selenium, the root causes of these exceptions, and how to fix them. Along the way, you’ll use Advanced User Interactions APIs, running any JavaScript you need through Selenium; and learn how to quickly spin up a Selenium Grid using Docker containers. In the concluding chapters, you‘ll work through a series of scenarios that demonstrate how to extend Selenium to work with external libraries and applications so that you can be sure you are using the right tool for the job.

In this eBook, we will look at how we can directly execute JavaScript snippets in Selenium. We will explore what you can do and how they can help you work around some of the limitations that you will come across while writing your scripts. We will also have a look at some examples of things that you should avoid doing.

The topics we will cover in this chapter will be:

  • Using JavaScript to interact with the website loaded in your browser
  • Injecting JavaScript libraries into the currently loaded website
  • Performing complex actions using JavaScript
  • Providing a way to allow user interaction with your tests by using JavaScript

To start off with, we are first going to have a look at how the JavaScript Executor has been implemented in Selenium.


Key Takeaways:

  • Provide fast, useful feedback with screenshots.
  • Create extensible, well-composed page objects.
  • Utilize ChromeDriver and GeckoDriver in headless mode.
  • Leverage the full power of. Advanced User Interactions APIs.
  • Use JavaScriptExecutor to execute JavaScript snippets in the browser through Selenium.
  • Build user interaction into your test script using JavaScriptExecutor.
  • Learn the basics of working with Appium.


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About Me!

Mark Collin is a professional software tester who has been working in the software testing industry since 2001. He started his career in the financial sector before moving in consultancy. As a consultant, he has had the privilege of working on numerous projects in many different sectors for various large and well-known companies. This has allowed him to gain an eclectic range of skills and proficiencies, which include test automation, security and penetration testing, and performance testing. He loves technology and is always exploring new and exciting technology stacks to see how they can enhance the capability and reliability of automated checks. He is fully aware that though automation is good, at the moment, nothing can replace the human mind when it comes to having a well-rounded test solution. He is a great believer in open source technology and spends a lot of time contributing towards open source projects. He is the creator and maintainer of the driver-binary-downloader-maven-plugin, which allows Maven to download ChromeDriver, OperaDriver, the IE driver, and PhantomJS to your machine as a part of a standard Maven build. He is also a core contributor to the jmeter-maven-plugin, a tool that allows you to run JMeter tests through Maven. Mark has also contributed code to the core Selenium code base.

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