Practical Machine Learning for Testers

Kevin Pyles

Domo, Inc

It seems that every time artificial intelligence is brought up it is in some theoretical terms that most people don’t understand, or it is about some future apocalypse. Is there anything we can do with it now? Yes!

In this webinar Kevin will walk you through some practical methods of machine learning that you can start using today in your own testing. Worried you don’t know enough to get started? No worries, This webinar will start out super basic and by the end, who knows, you may have enough confidence to start your own AI enterprise.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Brief overview of AI and ML
  2. Real world examples of AI and ML
  3. Practical use cases of AI and ML in Testing to take back to your office
  4. Jump from AI Curious to AI Tester
See more AI related resources on EuroSTAR Huddle.

About Me!

Kevin Pyles has been in QA for over 10 years and has led local and remote teams responsible for QA across 40+ concurrent projects. Kevin’s previous teams provided web load testing for over 600,000 connections/sec and I18N and L10N testing for over 100 languages and countries. Kevin recently fell in love with Artificial Intelligence and Python and has since been promoting AI as the future of testing whether through home grown or commercial services.

Twitter: @pyleskevin

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