Leading Agile Testers: Successfully Making the Leap

Bob Galen & Mary Thorn

RGalen Consulting & Vaco

There’s a terrible error being made today across many agile organizations. They’re assuming there is no place for test management and leadership in agile, self-directed team contexts. We beg to differ with this view and believe there is a strong need for testing leadership in agile organizations, just not the way we’ve always approached it.

In this webinar, join Mary Thorn and Bob Galen as we explore what excellent test team leadership look like in agile contexts. First, we’ll explore the aspects of self-direction teams and the implications to your previous leadership styles.  Next, we’ll look under the covers of Scrum and see where you should be engaging, and importantly, where you should give the team space. Then we’ll cover agile tools, planning & iterative execution, metrics, and reporting so that you have a solid sense for day-to-day agile operational excellence. And finally, we’ll share a well-rounded set of critical leadership patterns that to help guide your personal transition to an agile mindset.

Key Takeaways

  1. The key transition points from traditional manager to agile leader;
  2. The engagement points for leaders and self-directed agile teams;
  3. The place for testing leaders in agile, and most importantly, what they DO


About Me!

An agile methodologist, practitioner, and coach, Bob Galen helps guide leaders and teams in their pragmatic adoption and organizational shift toward Scrum and other agile methods. Bob is often called “a Coach of Coaches” because of his deep and broad experience in the agile arena. He is director, agile practices at Zenergy Technologies; president of RGCG, LLC; and a frequent speaker at international conferences and professional groups on topics of agile software development. Bob authored Three Pillars of Agile Quality and TestingScrum Product Ownership, and Agile Reflections. A prolific writer, blogger, and podcaster, Bob can be reached at bob@rgalen.com or at LinkedIn. Twitter: @bobgalen

Chief storyteller of The Three Pillars of Agile Testing and QualityMary Thorn is director of agile practices at Ipreo in Raleigh, NC. Mary has a broad agile and testing background that spans automation, data warehouses, and web-based systems in a wide variety of technologies and testing techniques. During her more than nineteen years of experience with healthcare, HR, financial, and SaaS-based products, Mary has held manager- and contributor-level positions in software development organizations. A strong leader in agile and testing methodologies, Mary has direct experience leading teams through agile adoption and beyond. Twitter: @MaryHThorn

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