Using Selenium 3.0

Simon Stewart

Selenium Project

In this webinar, Simon Stewart highlights how to use the brand new Selenium 3.0 and well as discusses some of the changes that have been implemented since Selenium 2.0

He also looks at:

  • What will this release contain
  • What impact will it have on your test runs
  • How can you preserve your existing investment in tests using the Selenium WebDriver APIs, and your even older RC tests
  • Looking forward, when will the W3C spec be complete
  • What can we expect from Selenium 4


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About Me!

At ThoughtWorks, Simon invented WebDriver.  At Google, he became the lead of the Selenium project and built the infrastructure required to run millions of browser-based tests every day.  At Facebook, Simon advocated for a monorepo, setup the mobile end-to-end testing frameworks, and lead the Buck build tool team, all of which helped slash the time from code to release.

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