Model based testing is one of the close topics to me. I have been designing and building model based testing utilities and solutions for various customers across globe for around 3 years. With this journey, two of the most common challenge I have seen was – adaptability and acceptability
Adaptability was a biggest challenge. It was not so easy to change the mindset of testing practitioners who have been into the testing industry for decades, delivering the projects with assured quality.
Acceptability was equally challenging as adaptability. Customers who have invested a lot in people with specific skill sets, test tools, frameworks and infrastructure may not be open for a change. Accepting and adapting model based testing needs futuristic view. For an example, one of the biggest benefits of model based testing is during change management. There could be as big as around 80% effort savings in the test design during requirement changes.
Now let us look into, what this model based testing is all about-
Model based testing is a testing methodology in which the requirements in simple English can be captured in the form of a model which can be further processed by a utility to generate all the test artifacts such as test scenarios, test cases, test scripts, test data models, test automation framework automatically. The models can be of the formats like UML, BPMN, Visio, Excel flowcharts.
I am sure there could be a big doubt in mind now, how can a model/diagram give me test cases with all the detailed steps and procedures. Yes, this is what exactly I wondered when I started working on model based testing the first time. In my later blog I will cover in detail on how to do model based testing.
The below diagram would give little more clarity on the overview of model based testing.

Key Benefits of Model based testing:
- around 30-40% effort reduction in the test design phase
- around 10-15% effort reduction across testing life cycle
- 2X time faster knowledge transition and resource deployment
- around 80% effort reduction in test design during requirement changes
- Well documentation
This blog post was originally published on LinkedIn.