Call For Speakers Webinar: Become a Speaker

Isabel Evans

Independent Consultant

Want to speak at EuroSTAR 2019?

This webinar is for you. Isabel Evans, the Programme Chair, will present a short guide for anyone wishing to submit a proposal for EuroSTAR 2019.

You’ll find out about the conference theme, the main subjects and types of proposal we seek from you, the key dates, and how to submit your proposal. Join us, and maximise your chance of submitting a successful proposal.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand the theme and key subjects for EuroSTAR 2019
  2. Find out what type of presentations we are looking for
  3. Be able to submit to speak at EuroSTAR 2019

Download this eBook which explains the 2019 Call for Speakers in more detail.


About Me!

Independent quality and testing consultant Isabel Evans has more than thirty years of IT experience in the financial, communications, and software sectors. Her work focuses on quality management, software testing, and user experience (UX). A published author, popular speaker and storyteller at software conferences worldwide, Isabel is a Chartered IT Professional and Fellow of the British Computer Society, and received the 2017 EuroSTAR Testing Excellence Award. In parallel with her consultancy and teaching in industry, Isabel Evans is studying part-time as a PhD student at the Department of Computer Information Systems, University of Malta, working with Dr Chris Porter and Dr Mark Micallef on research in human factors for Software Testing. Within that, her current research project is to examine human factors around test tools and the automation of testing, in particular, the UX of test tools for testers. Isabel was programme chair for the HUSTEF 2018 conference in Budapest, and is the programme chair for EuroSTAR 2019 conference which takes place in Prague, November 2019.

Twitter: IsabelE_Test

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