3-Pillars of Agile Quality & Testing

Bob Galen


Key Actionable Learnings

  • Explores the agile test automation pyramid as a strategy for building balanced, multi-tier, multi-tool automation frameworks.
  • Details how to integrate traditional testing approaches and tactics within agile teams and mindsets.
  • Establishes that agile quality and testing is a whole-team responsibility and shows what good practice looks like in the real-world.

There are a few books on the market that discuss agile testing from a practitioner perspective. But this is the first book that looks at the organizational moves that are required to pull together an effective Agile Quality and Testing strategy. One that shows leaders and coaches how to effectively establish agile practices using the 3-Pillars model.

The book is chock-full of real-world stories from two coaches who’ve been in the trenches and created high-performance testing teams in high-performance agile organizations. They illustrate the balance that is required and the whole-team mindset that is crucial for effective agile quality. But beyond all of that, the focus is on the team health as it strives to deliver sustained customer value.

This is a special edition for EuroSTAR that contains the Introduction and the first two pillars of the model.

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About Me!

Bob Galen is an Agile Practitioner, Trainer & Coach based in Cary, NC. In this role he helps guide companies and teams in their pragmatic adoption and organizational shift towards Scrum and other agile methodologies and practices. He is a Principal Agile Coach at RGCG a boutique agile coaching firm.

Bob regularly speaks at international conferences and professional groups on topics related to software development, project management, software testing and team leadership. He is a Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), CAL I trainer, and an active member of the Agile & Scrum Alliances.

He’s published three agile-centric books: The Three Pillars of Agile Quality and Testing in 2015, Scrum Product Ownership, 3’rd Edition in 2019, and Agile Reflections in 2012.  He’s also a prolific writer & blogger (at – www.rgalen.com ) and podcaster (at www.meta-cast.com )

Bob may be reached directly at: bob@rgalen.com

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