Search Results for "eurostar"


Quality for DevOps Teams

Rik Marselis

Managing quality for DevOps teams is important. 'Deliver business value with the right quality at speed'. That's what organizations ask of their IT teams. To achieve this, IT people need…
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Quality and AI-based Systems

Adam Leon Smith

Looking to improve the quality of AI-based systems? AI is a complex topic and is the biggest technical renaissance to impact testing for at least two decades. Adam will talk…
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A Different Me – Episode 10

Juliette Sanchez Lambert

Juliette focuses on harassment prevention training and supports organisations in designing their harassment prevention mechanisms as well as training how to recognise harassment in the early stages in order to…
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Testing challenges have been a topic of discussion for a long time, but mix in agile and everything picks up speed. This is mainly because Agile testing has become the…
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Twelve hours. That’s all the time a pro hacker needs to infiltrate a company. And, unlike what you’ve seen in the movies, this isn’t some hacker with extraordinary skills. Cybercrime…
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Writing Better BDD Scenarios

Gáspár Nagy

Writing Better BDD Scenarios Behavior Driven Development is an agile development technique that improves collaboration between technical and non-­technical members of the team, by exploring the problem using examples. These…
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DevOps: Test Alone

Bjorn Boisschot

As in the movie HomeAlone, it seems that Dev and Ops have gone on a journey and forgot to take testing/QA with them. We hear big companies tell stories that…
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When working with medical products, the verification process can be a real pain – especially when dealing with completely new QA team, complex hardware/software setup and collaboration of multiple scattered…
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Why do Lifts have Mirrors?

Adonis Celestine

Why do Lifts have Mirrors? Adonis is in the software testing industry for over 15 years. He is passionate about making testing simpler and more interesting for everyone. He is…
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At EuroSTAR Conferences we want to celebrate stories too and what better day than World Book Day. Software testing is a flexible and ever changing so it constantly requires us…
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Liz Keogh, our next A Different Me guest, said she never really gave much thought to Diversity and Inclusion. Liz said she didn't give the idea much thinking until she…
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Dragon’s Out

Kari Kakkonen

Here is a fun read about software testing, suitable for all ages. Mr. Kari Kakkonen has written the book with the idea of getting children interested in software testing, but…
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Kolb’s Testing Cycle

Beren Van Daele

We humans are a learning species. It comes natural to us and just because it feels so easy to do, we are ignorant of its inner workings. When faced with…
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Going into January I believed I had the relatively straight-forward task of deciding how to position inclusive automation and Jupyter Notebooks. To determine who the audience would be and then…
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A Different Me – Episode 8

Dona Sarkar

Diversity and Inclusion is something that alot of companies are doing now and speaking about how we hire, groom, raise, aswell as how we make products. When we say that…
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DevOps & Test Automation

Sune Engsig

With automation technology, the potential for digital transformation is essentially unlimited. But somewhere down the line something went wrong. A piece of code broke, leaving automation software in the dark,…
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Welcome to a new decade and with that we wish you a fantastic year of new testing and challenges! We designed to excel you into the new year with some…
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A Different Me – Episode 7

Sanne Visser

In this episode of A Different Me, i spoke to Sanne Visser, RisingSTAR Winner 2018 and blockchain tester. Sanne is passionate about quality, developing best practices for blockchain that traditional…
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A Different Me- Episode 6

Alexandre Bauduin

In this episode of A Different Me, i speak to Alexandre Bauduin who currently resides in Switzerland and works for Consulteer, testing "sensitive airborne military systems". His career started in…
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A Different Me – Episode 5

Ezechi Britton

In this podcast episode we welcome Ezechi Britton from Code Untapped. When i asked Ezechi Britton what diversity and inclusion meant to him, he said diversity is metric and inclusion…
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We would like to introduce you to a very special new initiative, our new podcast, A Different Me! A Different Me is designed to get us talking about all things…
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A Different Me – Episode 1

Isabel Evans

In the first episode of A Different Me, we speak with Isabel Evans who is the 2019 EuroSTAR Programme Chair and an enthusiastic supporter of inclusion and diversity through all…
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Cloud Native is more than a tool set. It is a full architecture, a philosophical approach for building applications that take full advantage of cloud computing. Going Cloud Native requires…
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Reality Driven Testing

Rob Sabourin

Many agile teams rework previously deployed stories, even after plenty of in-sprint testing. Well groomed, refined, stories framed with typical, alternate and error scenarios, gracefully described in well formed gherkin,…
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It seems that every time artificial intelligence is brought up it is in some theoretical terms that most people don’t understand, or it is about some future apocalypse. Is there…
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Technical debt is a well-documented endemic problem within software development. However, to understand why high levels of technical debt exist within most organisations, we need to change the way we…
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This month at EuroSTAR we have planned some great webinars to ensure that your testing is ahead of the testing game.   We are excited to have Paul Gerrard back…
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