Search Results for "anders dinsen"

Come together this July, and join the testing community at the EuroSTAR Award Winners' Week! 🏆 Join the 2019 EuroSTAR Software Testing Award Winners, for 4-days of online talks on…
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The Quality of Dialogue

Anders Dinsen

To me, quality has four domains. The first two are commonly addressed in testing: One domain is about things that are quantifiable and measureable, e.g. meeting requirements and bugs we…
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The Future of Testing is Digital

Gerd Weishaar & Erik Kaare Andersen

20+ years and not much has changed.  Testers are asked to test more technologies, faster and more often. On top of this, testing is still mostly done manually, because the…
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Kolb’s Testing Cycle

Beren Van Daele

We humans are a learning species. It comes natural to us and just because it feels so easy to do, we are ignorant of its inner workings. When faced with…
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Welcome to the this week's Quotes of the Week: DARPA's self-repair software competition, Apple watch cant find your heart and more.     Improving  the quality of Apps "In an…
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Situational Testing

Jan Jaap Cannegieter, Roger Wouterse, Bart Fessl & Sven van Galen

Every organisation, every system and every project is different, so every test project requires a unique approach. Situational testing offers various forms of testing and allows you to complete your…
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How do you benefit from distraction? We live in curious times. Knowledge is available at our fingertips, everywhere. Social networks increase communication with peers from around the world but along…
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Specification by Example

Gojko Adzic

We automate specifications to get fast feedback, but our primary goal should be to create executable specifications that are easily accessible and human readable, not just to automate a validation…
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Test Strategies in Agile Projects

Anders Claesson

Agile development methods are becoming more and more common in our projects. The objective is to achieve higher quality and shorter lead times with minimal overhead. A well defined agile…
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Are we all not Testers?

Henrik Andersson

In this presentation, Henrik addresses the question of why testers need to label themselves as Agile Testers and looks at ways that testers can improve the profession and be proud to…
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