The Importance of Concept Testing: Tactics and Benefits

Concept testing greatly influences decision-making. Releasing a product or service without concept testing isn’t a good idea to go with. However, there are millions of products each year that get released without any concept testing. 

In this article, we will show you what concept testing is and the importance of having it in your business. 

What is concept testing?

So, the real question that arises is, what is concept testing? The definition of concept testing is research that involves receiving feedback from your users regarding your product or service before bringing it into the market.  Concept testing can help push out bad ideas and replace them with good ones before further developing them. 

Importance of concept testing

Eliminates bad ideas 


Poor decisions come even from the most successful companies across the world. Bad decision-making actually costs only the U.S economy a loss of more than $3 trillion per year. You can just imagine how much it impacts the worldwide economy!

Bad decisions are unavoidable at times, but concept testing plays a crucial role in influencing decision-making. It can help you reduce the number of bad decisions made. As an outcome, you are saving your business substantial financial losses, keeping customer retention stable, and even saving time. 

Improves overall quality

Concept testing assists you in finding out more about your product or service and informs you on what should be adjusted. Maybe there are features you haven’t paid much attention to, and now is your chance to focus more on them. 

For example, let’s say you are conducting software testing. The software is all ready and good to go, but while testing, you see some bugs arise while using the software. You can try running tests with your users and see if they encounter any bugs. If they do, you will know what actions to take, which improves the overall quality of the software you are trying to release. 

Gives you arguments



Whenever you perform concept testing, you have proof of how your product or service is performing. Considering this, only telling others that your product or service is working right isn’t enough. So when you argue about it, there isn’t any way you can be wrong. 

Best practices of concept testing

Gather feedback with surveys


When you are launching your product or service, you most likely have in mind who you are supposed to target. However, you can’t be sure enough to know how your product or service performs. Once you know your audience, you can collect feedback from them. 

You may be wondering how you can collect feedback from your audience? Well, you can try using surveys to do so. Surveys are cost-effective and easy to set up. 

Although, once you set them up, you want to avoid asking long and complicating open-end questions. Try asking multiple-choice questions along with simple open-end questions. You want to ask for the correct information, so they will avoid answering the survey if you bore your audience with many questions. 


Continuously test

There is no end to concept testing, so don’t think you only have to do it in the early stages of your product launch. Concept testing should be performed during different points of a product life cycle. In short, every phase should involve testing. 

This will not only help you be free of errors but also influence better decision-making in each stage of your product or service. 



Wrapping it up

We come to an end for this article. Hopefully, now you have a better understanding of how concept testing works along with its importance and benefits. Remember, launching your product impacts your business’s finances and decision-making a lot, so it’s essential you make concept testing a good one.  This article seeks to clarify how vital concept testing is and the best practices you can use to take advantage of it. We recommend you carefully reach through each section and see what you can do better.  

Use all the resources you have- human, technical, and even financial- to improve the testing of your product in each phase. You want to exceed your customers’ expectations, so continuously conduct concept testing. As we mentioned before, it isn’t a one-time thing! 


Check out all the software testing webinars and eBooks here on

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About the Author


Freelance SEO content and copywriter with three years of experience. He has been working as an SEO copy and content writer even before he graduated from university. He specializes mostly in writing in the marketing industry and has managed to write hundreds of SEO-optimized articles. He cares a lot about research, so every time he writes an article, he makes sure to do hours of research before writing it.
Find out more about @serzh

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